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Beijing News: Putian and three equipment manufacturers deny merger 09:41, August 23, 2005 Beijing News

Shanghai Bell

Alcatel : No idea, no reason, no idea

News from our newspaper (reporter Guo Dongying) Yesterday, the industry heard that Putian would merge with Datang, FiberHome Communications and Alcatel Shanghai Bell. The news shocked the industry. However, in the later confirmation of the reporter, all three parties involved in the merger rumor denied this.

The media publicist in charge of Alcatel Shanghai Bell told the reporter, "I haven't heard of this merger, and the company doesn't have this idea at present, and anyone with common sense should know that it is impossible." The reporter interviewed Dicka, president of Alcatel Shanghai Bell before, after announcing the establishment of a new research and development center and announcing the company's future development strategy, There is no sign of the merger. The person from Alcatel Shanghai Bell also said, "I don't know how this rumor came from. Shanghai Bell is a joint venture, controlled by Alcatel France, and operated directly by foreign parties. This is not in line with the rumored merger practice." Among the three main characters in the rumor, Putian is reported to have been merged most frequently this year, But it is still working well. Putian News propagandist also told reporters, "I have never heard of this merger, and there will be no such merger." At the same time, as China's 3G standards have not yet come to an end, Datang, which has always been concerned, also said that there is no such thing.

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