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Google opens global Gmail free registration

http://www.sina.com.cn 13:43, February 15, 2007 China Securities Network - Shanghai Securities News

□ Our reporter Zhang Tao

On February 14, Google announced that Gmail has been open for free registration worldwide. Gmail was launched in March 2004 and is one of the earliest mailboxes with a capacity of gigabit. Previously, only upon invitation can you register.

In the future, in the United States, Canada, Mexico, most countries in Asia and South America, Google will cancel the remaining restrictions on invited registrations. A few days ago, Google announced that it would cancel the invitation registration restrictions for Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Brazil. Three years after the launch of Gmail, the storage space has changed from the original 1G to 2.8G. Google has also integrated the chat tool Google Talk.

Google co-founder Brin said that opening Gmail registration to the world is very important for the company, because such as instant messaging, online

calendar Gmail has become a cornerstone of Google.

Analysts believe that Google can also record the search history of users who log in with Gmail accounts and promote personalized search services, which can improve users' loyalty to Google search.

Brin also revealed that Google will also sell space to special users who need more storage space, adopting a model similar to online photo albums.

According to comScore's statistics, Gmail is currently the third largest free email service in the world, second only to Microsoft Hotmail and Yahoo Mail. According to statistics, in December last year, the number of Gmail visitors was 60 million, an increase of 71% over a year ago. However, there were 249 million Yahoo visitors and 236 million Hotmail visitors during the same period.

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