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Konka, despite the scandal with Changling, admitted to buying domestic white electricity enterprises

http://www.sina.com.cn 02:40, March 13, 2008 China Business Daily

Liang Zhenpeng

Konka Group Co., Ltd. (000016.SZ, hereinafter referred to as "Konka"), which started as a color TV company, is now interested in acquiring domestic white TV enterprises to rapidly expand its white TV industry scale because it covets white TV industries such as refrigerators and washing machines with higher profits.

Recently, rumors of Konka's plan to acquire Changling (Group) Co., Ltd. (000561. SZ, hereinafter referred to as "Changling") have become rampant. Affected by this, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange temporarily suspended the trading of Konka and Changling yesterday morning.

In response to this rumor, Konka announced today that, after verification, no senior managers and relevant personnel of Konka have disclosed their intention to acquire Changling, and Konka has never planned to cooperate with Changling through equity participation or mergers and acquisitions.

In the clarification announcement issued by Changling today, it was also said that: after verification with the Changling bankruptcy administrator and the actual controller of the company - Baoji SASAC and the company's management, Changling management, Changling bankruptcy administrator and Baoji SASAC did not have any discussion and planning with any personnel of Konka on the restructuring and acquisition of the company. Although Baoji SASAC intends to carry out asset restructuring on Changling, there is no clear restructuring party, no plan has been formed, no intention or agreement has been reached with any company, and no arrangement has been made for the company's asset integration and debt integration plans.

At present, Changling has entered bankruptcy proceedings. According to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules, if Changling goes bankrupt and goes into liquidation, Changling will be terminated from listing.

At the same time, Changling also clarified that Changling has transferred all the equity of the two holding subsidiaries involved in the refrigerator industry to Shaanxi Changling Group Co., Ltd. At present, Changling's business no longer includes the refrigerator industry, and any participation, acquisition and other matters related to the refrigerator industry have nothing to do with Changling.

Although Konka has no intention of acquiring Changling, Konka is trying to acquire other white electricity enterprises in China.

As for the rumor that "Konka has negotiated with major domestic refrigerator and washing machine manufacturers and is ready to actively participate in industry M&A and integration through equity participation, cooperation, investment and other means", Konka confirmed in today's announcement that it is "true".

Konka also claimed that in the next few years, Konka will vigorously develop white electricity businesses such as refrigerators and washing machines, and will actively seek all opportunities including equity participation, cooperation, investment, etc. to achieve leapfrog development, but there is no clear object of equity participation, cooperation or investment.

After color TV and mobile phones, white TV will become the third main business of Konka.

He Jianjun, vice president of Konka, told the First Business Daily that the competition in color TV and mobile phone industry has become extremely fierce, and the gross margin of white TV products such as refrigerators and washing machines is higher than that of color TV and mobile phone products, so Konka intends to accelerate the development of white TV business. In Konka's white power development, there is the idea of "acquiring domestic peers".

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