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      Hailing: public spirited, "good people culture" warms people's hearts

      Released at 22:15:09 on February 7, 2023, Long term effective , 172 Browse
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    • Area: Taizhou
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      • contacts: Wang Sujie
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    Source: Taizhou Civilization Network

    "Xiao An, I haven't contacted you for a long time. How are you now?", Send love and care to the hearts of the children in Huining Mountain Area, Gansu Province. "The assistance to them should not only be economic, but also make them feel love and warmth in spirit," said Grandma Wang.

    When Wang Yanan, 73, retired from the factory, he was supposed to enjoy the happiness at home, but he chose a public welfare road for himself. In 9 years, she went to Huining Mountain for 15 times, climbing mountains and mountains to help students in poverty. Driven by her, more and more people around her joined in, and the public welfare team expanded from one person at the beginning to hundreds later. They donated 725 street lamps for the mountain area, and funded nearly 300 pairs of poor students in pairs. In recent years, the team has also implemented pair aid for students with difficulties in Taizhou.

    Wang Yanan's deeds touched many people, but on the road to public welfare, she was also the one who was touched: "I went to the bank to remit money, and the girl at the counter asked me to join after learning that I was funding a mountain child, and later she led a group of colleagues to join." "Our family conditions are general, but the family is very supportive, and my daughter and son-in-law are also members of my team." The mutual guidance of good people has made a lot of love stories.

    On the west road to the east of Hailing District, there is a "Hailing Hall of Good People" specially built for "good people". The exhibition area of nearly 500 square meters ingeniously presents six sections, including good people culture, good people honor, good people stamp, and good people courtesy, so that visitors can fully appreciate the unique "Hailing good people culture".

    Walking in the exhibition hall, stories of good people convey warm power: Wang Gen, a "good Chinese" who turned grief of losing his independence into love power and made anonymous donations for many years; Shi Yungen and Zhang Dongmei, the "moral model of Jiangsu Province", who successfully donated marrow to save others' lives together; Wu Minqiu, a college teacher who fought against the disease, insisted on writing "IOUs" for a sum of love donations and repaying them one by one in eight years... Their stories are different, but they are all like Grandma Wang Yanan, with the "good person effect" of infecting and leading others.

    In addition to Hailing Hall of Good People, the district has also built more than 600 good people parks, good people roads, good people corridors, good people streets, good people lists and other places throughout the district, promoting the culture of good people to spread all over the streets, and further cultivating the cultural ecology of good people in silent places.

    "We have held the 'Hailing Good People's Day' for two consecutive years, which is full of ceremonies to greet good people, and also conveys the civilized values of 'striving for good deeds, striving to be good people' to more people." Chen Ji, deputy director of Hailing District Civilization Office, introduced that the district has launched 25 courtesy measures, and set up the "Hailing Charity · Good People Fund" to issue "Hailing Good People Card", Build more than 100 "warm heart stores", set up "love bank", "moral savings office" and other public welfare projects, and give courteous treatment to moral models from political treatment, economic incentives, policy support, social rights and interests and other aspects. According to statistics, in 2022 alone, the district will treat more than 200 moral representatives above the district level with courtesy.

    Hailing's "good people culture" is blooming more and more beautiful flowers, becoming a shining card for the construction of "Happy Hailing".

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     Hailing: public spirited, "good people culture" warms people's hearts

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