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      Qian Weisheng, an introduction to the deeds of "Jiangsu Good People List" in April 2017

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    Travel through trials and hardships with ambition to help Tibet, selfless dedication, sprinkling peach and plum trees
    2017-05-16 16:16:00 Source: Jiangsu Civilization Network

    Profile: Qian Weisheng, male, born in August 1976, has a bachelor's degree, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and is a junior high school teacher of Taizhou Dasi Middle School.

    Fact introduction: Qian Weisheng, a junior high school teacher of Taizhou Dasi Middle School. For 4 years, he has taken root in Tibet and devoted himself to education. Constantly adjust working ideas according to the characteristics of Tibetan children who are taught; Help subsidize two poor students from the pastoral area in the class; Take care of students' health, and buy some commonly used medicines for them free of charge; Several teaching and research activities such as demonstration courses have been set up to help promote local education; He tutored and paired teachers and students with outstanding achievements. Away from his wife, children and mother, he gave up the opportunity to go home to assist Tibet for a second time, and his physical condition worsened. However, he still made great efforts to consolidate the education in Tibet step by step without complaining.


    The late night at the border of Tibet was so quiet and thorough. After seriously writing the comments on the last homework, Qian Weisheng, who was feeling increasingly scarce, had no time to think about it, so he opened his diary. This is a habit he has formed since the day he helped Tibet, and has never stopped for a day. The small diary records his daily experience and feelings, the gains and losses of his teaching work, his tracking and attention to children and anecdotes, as well as his concern and yearning for his relatives thousands of miles away.

    "Mission First, Motherland First"

    He is not very tall but very stable. His eyes are not very big but bright and persistent. The graying of his temples shows the carving of time. This is Qian Weisheng, a Tibetan aid teacher in Gaogang District, Taizhou City.

    In August 2014, teacher Qian Weisheng took the initiative to apply and passed the level by level selection of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department and the Provincial Department of Education, becoming the first batch of Tibetan aid teachers in Jiangsu Province, and rushed to Lhasa Jiangsu Experimental Middle School to support teaching.

    When he first arrived in Lhasa, the altitude response was far beyond Qian Weisheng's imagination and ability. When he arrived in Lhasa on August 19, Qian Weisheng didn't sleep for two days and didn't eat for three days. He had to breathe oxygen and drink water to maintain his life. "The altitude reaction is very fierce, with headache for two nights, no food for three days, purple lips, dizziness, weakness of limbs, loss of appetite......"

    The People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region found that Qian Weisheng suffered from cerebral vasospasm. At that moment, Qian Weisheng thought about giving up. After all, life is the most precious thing for people. "Since you choose, you can't give up. If you want to stay far away, you can only go through trials and hardships." Whenever the altitude reaction is rampant, Qian Weisheng inspires himself to "lack of spirit" and "persistence is victory" innumerable times in his heart.

    During the period of aiding Tibet, the day was always busy, the night was always tortured by missing, and the body was always tempered by illness; The pain of missing home is a latent wound, but it is difficult to heal. Qian Weisheng is most worried about his parents. His parents are getting older, and their health is getting worse every year. Especially his mother suffered from the sequelae of ligation in the 1980s - intestinal adhesions and chronic gastroenteritis. Once it happened, her bed would be sweating with pain. At noon on August 6, 2016, Qian Weisheng's mother was hospitalized for surgery due to illness, but August 7 was the day when the group went to Tibet. With his mother's tolerance and understanding, Qian Weisheng picked up his backpack and ran away the next morning before his mother could breathe after the operation. Qian Weisheng's only choice between small families and large families is "mission first and motherland first".

    "Teacher, you let us see the hope like the holy sun"

    Qian Weisheng knows that it is far from enough only to have educational passion and educational dreams. He must also have educational thoughts and wisdom. Only by helping Tibet with sincerity and wisdom can Tibetan children realize their beautiful dreams like Gesang Hua and implement the work of helping Tibet. "Dedication and joy in work, active exploration, dedicated learning and wisdom, teaching without discrimination, and teaching in accordance with their aptitude" are the basic principles of his education work in Tibet.

    Qian Weisheng is responsible for the Chinese language teaching of two Tibetan classes and the head of the Chinese language teaching and research team of the junior high school in Lhasa Jiangsu Experimental Middle School. Qian Weisheng was impressed by the enthusiasm, simplicity, kindness and courtesy of these children when he first met them. But after class, he found that their foundation was too weak to read fluently in Chinese; Learning habits are also relatively poor, do not know to finish homework after class; Classroom discipline is loose. Some students stare at the teacher in class, and if they don't pay attention, they will pass things to each other, drink water, eat food, and make small movements... All these undoubtedly pour cold water on his original enthusiasm.

    "There are more ways than difficulties", Qian Weisheng adjusted his teaching ideas: teaching content is shallow; More classroom activities; Live the classroom atmosphere; Practice positioning more accurately, The students' achievements have made remarkable progress, and their feelings with students have become increasingly profound. "I applied to Lhasa Jiangsu Experimental Middle School for the exam for teacher Qian Weisheng. The teacher's teaching method made me learn clearly. Whether it was classical Chinese or physics experiments, I was very interested in learning." said Bai Ma Dunzhu, a junior three student.

    Dan Zengjiancai, Rob Cuomo and other students from the pastoral area in the class are quite far away from home. They can only go back once a semester, and their families are also very poor. When Qian Weisheng learned that, he took out his pocket to help them solve their food and life problems, and helped them with their homework on weekends; Qian Weisheng often goes to the street to buy some regular medicine, which can be used by students when they have a cold or sore throat; He also often buys some school supplies to encourage students to.

    Emotion is the only thing that touches people's hearts. The true love will always be rewarded by the true love. The first two years of Tibet aid is about to expire. The dream and reality of going and staying with Qian Weisheng make him sad. When it was time, Qian Weisheng received a special letter, which was jointly written to him by the child and parents, "Teacher, you let us see hope like a holy sun. With you, we feel that the child has a future, and our parents implore you to stay...", At the bottom of the letter are the signatures of the children and their parents. Qian Weisheng's face is full of tears, and he is reluctant to part with the children of Sunlight City. Qian Weisheng chose to continue helping Tibet for two years. "Highland barley wine and buttered tea are words that flow into my heart; Potala and Gesang flower are charming paintings; I am in Tibet, and I am in Lhasa, a new home; I want to write down the private words of the Apricot Altar with chalk, and I want to sing the myth of the plateau with songs."

    "Practitioners and preachers of Jiangsu education"

    In order to let Jiangsu's advanced education and teaching concepts take root in the border areas and bear fruit. Over the past two years, Qian Weisheng has set up demonstration courses in the training classes for principals of primary and secondary schools in Lhasa; Ten teachers from ten schools were tutored by Tibet University and Lhasa Education and Training Center in the Tibetan national training activities; For many times, we have carried out a demonstration course of "learning plan guided learning to create effective classroom" for Chinese teachers in Lhasa middle schools. In the forefront of education and teaching, money always leads the way.

    "Teacher Qian can mobilize students' enthusiasm in the classroom and encourage them to think. Such a classroom truly reflects the teaching philosophy of students as the main body and teachers as the leading role. Trusting students can make learning more independent." Xu Yurong, a teacher of Lhasa No. 3 High School, said after listening to the class.

    During the period of aiding Tibet, Qian Weisheng was responsible for the course work of the two Tibetan classes, the teaching and research group, and the lesson preparation group. In the sub contest activities of the Lhasa Station of the 2015 and 2016 Chinese Character Dictation Conference, the students tutored by Qian Weisheng achieved excellent results in the competition in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and won the first prize of the Tibetan Autonomous Region Group, He also won the award of Excellent Tutor at the provincial and municipal Chinese character dictation conferences.

    In the Qinglan pairing activity organized by the school, Qian Weisheng successively helped young teachers Bai Maweise, Gama, Daimeng, Guo Hui and other teachers. Baima Weise, Gama and Daimeng won the Excellent Tutor Award in the National Middle School Students' Composition Competition respectively, and Guo Hui won the second prize in the first micro class competition in Lhasa.

    "Quality comes from constant pursuit". Through his unremitting efforts, Qian Weisheng has gained a lot in education and teaching work. The research project "Research on Strategies for the Effective Implementation of Learning Plan Guidance Mode in Tibet Aid Area Lhasa" presided over by Qian Weisheng was identified as a key teaching research project in Taizhou City. He has won the honors of Excellent Education and Tibet Aid Worker in Tibet Autonomous Region Honorary titles such as Excellent Communist Party Member in Lhasa's education system, Excellent Tutor Award of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Lhasa Chinese Character Dictation Conference, Excellent Tibetan Aid Teachers in Lhasa, the seventh batch of excellent Tibetan aid talents in Lhasa, Top Ten Exchange Teachers in Taizhou, and Advanced Individual in Taizhou's Aid to Education.

    Since the aid to Tibet, Qian Weisheng's health has gone from bad to worse, and his immunity is also getting worse and worse, often because of the medicine. Whenever you are ill, you must take the medicine in double doses, just to walk on the platform with full spirit as soon as possible. Facing his own situation, Qian Weisheng was full of optimism: "Since he chose to go far away, he only cares about the wind and rain."

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    Initial website: http://taizhou.yunhaoren.com/2017nianhaorenbang/2822.html
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     Qian Weisheng, an introduction to the deeds of "Jiangsu Good People List" in April 2017

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