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Beiguan Seafood

http://taiwan.lvyou114.com     2006-12-28 Thanks to the eggs under the member's red flag for providing this information

Beiguan Park is one of the best scenic spots on the Beibin Highway. The Gangfang Fishing Port is 300 meters south of Beiguan Park. There are more than 20 seafood stores in the "Beiguan Catering Center". The live seafood caught from Guishan Island is the main source of fish, followed by current fish. The local specialty is cauliflower, which has the highest gum content in seaweeds. After being pulled ashore and dried in the sun, the cauliflower needs to be boiled for many times to be made into stone flower ice; In addition, local residents also stew chicken with frozen stone flowers, which is said to have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

I come to add Taiwan's local specialties

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