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Your location: Taiwan Tourism Website > Taiwan Tourism Strategy > Taiwan folk customs >Tomb sweeping Day and "Spine Spine Rice"

Tomb sweeping Day and "Spine Spine Rice"

http://taiwan.lvyou114.com     2006-12-28 Thanks to the eggs under the member's red flag for providing this information

Every year around the Tomb Sweeping Day, every family goes to the countryside for an outing to visit their ancestors' tombs and press paper. Tomb sweeping is mainly for weeding and earth building of ancestors' graves. Some people will plant an evergreen pine or cypress or other trees beside the graves. The last procedure of tomb sweeping is to press paper, which is to press some money paper on the head of the tomb to show that the tomb has been visited by future generations, or to show passers-by that the ancestors who rest here have successors. After sweeping the tomb, we must take back the pine branches and insert them at the door of our house to show people that we have fulfilled the responsibility of offering sacrifices to our ancestors. The offerings for tomb sweeping are not complicated, only light cakes, tofu and pastries, but there is one main flavor that is absolutely indispensable, namely, the "Spinach Cake" specially made in Fuzhou, also known as the "Qingming Cake". Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, every household in Fuzhou had to make spinach rice cakes. Today, the "rice time" rice cakes shops on the street also sell a large number of spinach rice cakes. Spinach is made from spinach (a kind of wild vegetable growing in the south, edible, sweet, cool, mashed and pressed into juice to make it green), which is pressed into juice, infiltrated into rice milk and kneaded into the cake, and filled with jujube paste, bean paste, radish shreds, etc. The shape is relatively simple. The green color of spinach endows the spinach with the green color of spring. On the way home after sweeping the grave, Pobo kueh is a good snack.

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