Wu Zhong 597 Direct Employment > Recruitment of state-owned enterprises and institutions > Notice on Recruitment of Full time Drug Control Staff in Tongxin County, Wuzhong, Ningxia in 2024 (13 persons)

Notice on Recruitment of Full time Drug Control Staff in Tongxin County, Wuzhong, Ningxia in 2024 (13 persons)

2024-05-16 Source: Tongxin County People's Government Views: 781

In accordance with the spirit of the Implementation Plan of Tongxin County for Publicly Recruiting Full time Drug Control Workers, 13 full-time drug control workers are now openly recruited to the public. Relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1、 Recruitment principles

Adhere to the principle of "openness, equality, competition and merit", and apply for the exam openly and uniformly.

2、 Recruitment position and amount

13 full-time drug control staff were recruited from the public. For specific recruitment units and conditions, see the List of Positions for Publicly Recruiting Full time Drug Control Staff in Tongxin County (Annex 1).

3、 Recruitment conditions

(1) Persons with the following qualifications can apply for the examination

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations;

3. Aged from 18 to 35 (born from May 6, 1988 to May 6, 2006);

4. Have the physical conditions, psychological quality and work ability required to perform the job responsibilities;

5. Those who have a college degree or above recognized by the state, and who have obtained the certificate of professional level of social workers and ex servicemen can be extended to high school or above;

6. Meet the relevant qualification requirements for each post in the List of Open Recruitment of Full time Drug Control Staff in Tongxin County (Annex 1).

(2) Those who have one of the following circumstances shall not apply

1. Those who have received criminal punishment or are suspected of breaking the law or committing crimes and are under investigation;

2. He has been held in administrative detention, taken in for reeducation or had a history of drug abuse;

3. Have been dismissed, dismissed or dismissed by the public security organ or other units due to violation of discipline;

4. Staff who have purchased services from our county government;

5. It does not meet the relevant qualification requirements for each post in the List of Open Recruitment of Full time Drug Control Staff in Tongxin County (Annex 1).

4、 Recruitment procedures and methods

(1) Registration and qualification review

The recruitment is carried out according to the procedures of on-site registration, physical examination, written examination, interview, physical examination, investigation and employment.

1. Registration time: May 20 to May 22, 2024 (8:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). Candidates must register within the specified time, and will not report again after the deadline.

2. Place of registration: Tongxin County Drug Control Committee Office (Room 218, the main building of the county public security bureau)

3. The applicant must bring the completed application form (Annex 2) and relevant materials to the Tongxin County Drug Control Committee Office (Room 218, the main building of the county public security bureau) for registration and qualification review on the registration day. When registering, applicants must carefully read and sign the Letter of Integrity Commitment, and be responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of the information filled in. If anyone forges relevant certificates and materials to obtain examination qualification, he/she will be immediately disqualified once verified. At the same time, the qualification review of applicants will run through the whole recruitment process. Any candidate who is found not to meet the requirements for application will be disqualified at any time. The qualification examination shall be organized and implemented by the leading group office of Tongxin County for public recruitment of anti drug professionals. If the number of applicants is lower than the number of recruiters, all applicants will participate in the physical fitness test, and those who pass the test will enter the written test. If the number of people who pass the final examination fails to meet the recruitment requirements, the leading group shall coordinate and solve the problem.

4. Materials carried include (one original and one copy must be provided):

(1) Three recent one inch bareheaded standard photos on red background;

(2) Fill in the complete and accurate application form (front and back);

(3) The original and photocopy of my ID card, account book (or account card) (the first page of the account book and my page are copied to the same page);

(4) National recognized academic certificates and the electronic registration and filing form for academic certificates printed by the Ministry of Education on Xuexin Online since May 2024;

(5) Eligible veterans shall provide veterans' discharge certificates;

(6) A certificate issued by the public security organ certifying that he or she and his or her immediate family members have no criminal record.

(7) Graduates in 2024 need to provide the academic certificate issued by the graduate school.

The phone number left by the candidate when registering should be kept unblocked. If the recruitment unit is unable to notify relevant matters due to the blocked phone number, the responsibility should be borne by the candidate.

(2) Examination

1. Physical fitness test. All candidates who register for this recruitment activity must take part in the physical fitness test, which is organized by the leading group office of Tongxin County for the open recruitment of full-time drug control personnel. The physical fitness evaluation shall be organized and implemented in accordance with the Administrative Measures of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region for Drug Control Professional Staff (Trial).

project standard
10m × 4 round trip ≤13〞4
1000 meter run ≤4'55〞
Jump to touch the height ≥255cm

(The number of times of 10 × 4 round trip test shall not exceed 2; the number of times of vertical jump test shall not exceed 3; the number of times of 1000 meter test shall not exceed 1). If any one of the three items in the physical fitness assessment is unqualified or in violation of regulations, it will be deemed as unqualified in the physical fitness test, and the qualified personnel in the physical fitness assessment will enter the written test. The time and place of physical fitness test will be notified separately, and the physical fitness test will be conducted with ID card.

2. Written examination. The written examination work shall be organized and implemented by the leading group office of Tongxin County for the open recruitment of full-time drug control personnel. Candidates who pass the physical fitness test will take the exam with their valid ID cards and admission cards. The score of the written test is 100 points, accounting for 40% of the total score (the content of the written test is: comprehensive basic knowledge, anti drug laws and regulations, anti drug basic knowledge, social work knowledge, current affairs and political policies, writing ability, etc.). The time and place of the written examination will be notified later.

3. The qualified score line of the written examination and the proportion of the beginning of the interview. After marking the paper, the leading group will draw the lowest qualified score line according to the examination situation. If the score of the written examination is above the minimum qualified score, the interviewees shall be determined according to the ratio of 1:3 between the number of recruiters and the number of interviewees, from high score to low score. Those whose scores in the written examination are lower than the minimum qualified score in the written examination shall not participate in the interview. If the position cannot reach 1:3 interview ratio due to the small number of applicants, abandonment and other reasons, the proportion of opening the examination can be reduced. The minimum qualified score of written examination and the list of interviewees are published on the website of Tongxin County People's Government.

4. Interview. The interview was conducted in the form of structured interview, and the interview score was 100 points, accounting for 60% of the total score (the interview content mainly assessed the comprehensive qualities of the candidate, such as language expression, thinking logic, adaptability, etc.). The results shall be kept to two decimal places, and the mantissa shall be rounded off. The interview results shall be announced on the spot. You should bring your written examination permit and ID card with you during the interview. The time and place of the interview will be notified later.

5. Calculation of total exam scores. Total exam score=written exam score × 40%+interview score × 60%. In case of decimal places in written examination, interview and total score, two decimal places shall be reserved and the mantissa shall be rounded off.

6. The recruitment talent pool shall be established at a ratio of 1:3. In case of resigning personnel during the employment period, they will be supplemented in turn according to the total score of this recruitment.

(3) Physical examination

The list of physical examination personnel shall be determined by the leading group office according to the total scores from high to low. When the total scores are tied, the ones with high written test scores will be given priority to enter the physical examination. When they are tied again, the ones with high physical test scores of 1000 meters will be given priority to enter the physical examination. After the list of candidates for physical examination is published, the candidates who enter the list of candidates for physical examination will go to the designated hospital for physical examination. The medical examination standards shall be implemented in accordance with the General Standards for Medical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial) (RSBF [2016] No. 140). Any sick person who affects his/her work will be disqualified from applying for the job, and at the same time, he/she will fill in the shortage of places to participate in the physical examination according to the total score of the examination. The time of physical examination will be notified, and the medical examination fee will be borne by yourself.

(4) Inspection

1. The investigation work is organized and implemented by the leading group office of Tongxin County for the open recruitment of full-time drug control personnel.

2. The investigation will focus on the candidates' political ideology, moral quality, ability, work performance, discipline and law compliance, etc.

3. Bad political records due to poor personal morality found during the investigation; Those who do not have the qualifications required for recruitment; There are relevant circumstances listed in this announcement that you are not allowed to apply for the exam; As well as other situations that are not suitable for working in government organs and institutions, the recruitment qualification can be cancelled after the leading group has studied and determined.

(5) Publicity

The list of personnel to be employed who have passed the examination, physical examination and inspection will be publicized on the website of Tongxin County People's Government for 5 days (except holidays), subject to social supervision. If there is no objection to the proposed employment upon the expiration of the publicity period, the employment procedures shall be examined and approved. Those who report problems that may affect employment and find evidence, will not be employed.

(6) Employment

If the proposed employee has no objection after being publicized, the employer shall sign a labor contract with the employed person to establish labor relations in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Full time Drug Control Workers in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (Trial). If the employed person fails to report to work within the time limit (within 5 days after receiving the employment notice) without justified reasons, the employment qualification will be cancelled. The employed personnel shall be subject to the probation period (2 months) assessment system as required, and the probation period shall be included in the labor contract period. Those who pass the assessment after the probation period continue to be employed; Those unqualified will be disqualified.

4、 Treatment

After passing the examination of the employing unit, the office of Tongxin County Drug Control Commission will formally hire the employee and send him to work in Tongxin County Public Security Bureau. According to the requirements of the Opinions on the Implementation of Strengthening the Construction of Anti drug Teams (Ning Dang Ban [2017] No. 93) issued by the General Office of the Party Committee and the General Office of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, the salary shall not be less than 125% of the per capita disposable income of local urban residents in the previous year. The work standard of 53500 yuan per person per year is to guarantee the salary of full-time drug control personnel (including social insurance premiums payable by units and individuals).

5、 Consulting telephone

County Drug Control Office: 13995335158

Consultation time: 8:30-12:00 am 2:30-6:30 pm

Matters not covered herein shall be discussed and decided by the leading group of Tongxin County for the open recruitment of full-time drug control personnel.

Annex 1: List of posts of full-time drug control staff publicly recruited in Tongxin County

2: Application Form of Tongxin County for Public Recruitment of Drug Control Professionals

Tongxin County Leading Group Office for Publicly Recruiting Drug Control Professionals

May 16, 2024

Attachment download:

Annex 1 Post List. doc

Annex 2 Registration Form.doc

Original title: Tongxin County Public Recruitment Announcement of Full time Drug Control Staff

Source: https://www.tongxin.gov.cn/xwzx/gsgg/202405/t20240516_4541442.html

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