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Shimao's service in Shenzhen: in May, there are "inside" and "face" in Huanxin Jade East Bay

14:24, December 28, 2023 Source: Shenzhen Hong Kong Online
Shenzhen Aoyuan Feicuidongwan Community is located in the core residential area of Julong Science and Technology Ecological Plate in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, adjacent to Julongshan International Science and Technology Innovation City, Pingshan University City, and Julongshan Wetland Park, with complete supporting facilities and superior geographical location.

Shenzhen Aoyuan Feicuidongwan Community is located in the core residential area of Julong Science and Technology Ecological Plate in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, adjacent to Julongshan International Science and Technology Innovation City, Pingshan University City, and Julongshan Wetland Park, with complete supporting facilities and superior geographical location. It is a multi-functional residential area integrating science and technology, education and ecology. Due to the lack of professional and meticulous property management services in the early stage, various facilities in the park are gradually aging, and the community environment has lost its former glory.

On August 1, Shimao Service Guangzhou Central City Company entered the Feicui East Bay project in Shenzhen Aoyuan. Up to now, it has been nearly 150 days. As the saying goes, "people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles." The first thing after Shimao Service entered the community is to "dress up" the community. With the cooperation of the industry committee, the community party branch and the property management, it has constantly improved the community management and overcome numerous problems one by one. Through a series of quality improvement actions, such as safety control, greening and repair, maintenance of facilities and equipment, face washing action, community cultural activities, etc., the residential area has been greatly improved in terms of living environment, facilities management and maintenance, and the results are visible.

Now, the new property has been settled for nearly five months. What changes have taken place in the community? Let's explore.

A new chapter of a better life

In order to further understand the owners' needs at the initial stage of settlement, the Jade East Bay Industry Committee, the community party branch and the property service center held a tripartite meeting to actively offer advice and suggestions on the persistent problems in the community. The property listed the projects, developed a detailed maintenance plan for upgrading and reconstruction, orderly promoted the implementation of various plans, and promoted the further upgrading of property services.

After several months of efforts, Shimao Service has successively completed the troubleshooting and maintenance of key facilities and equipment for Feicui Dongwan Community, replacement of fire doors, renovation and upgrading of parking lot gate and community gate access control system, reconstruction of Rainbow Runway, comprehensive overhaul of road lighting system, maintenance and replacement of public area equipment, troubleshooting of elevators and other matters.

The details show the intention. Now the piles of garbage are gone, the greening seedlings are neat, the non motor vehicles are parked in order, and the damaged runways in the community are renewed. All these changes make the owners very comfortable.

In terms of the reconstruction of the road gates in the community, the original entrance and exit gates of the Feicuidongwan parking lot in Aoyuan are not sensitive enough to identify, which is easy to cause vehicle congestion in the rush hour. After Shimao Service settled in, it was upgraded with the consent of the industry committee, replaced with intelligent identification of the parking lot gate, improving the vehicle access recognition performance, and greatly reducing the driving time at the entrance and exit of the owner, Effectively relieve congestion in peak hours.

At the same time, Shimao Service also upgraded the entrance of the community to a "dual system" of smart face recognition and card swiping service access control, which was added from the previous single door to a multi door access. Owners opened the door through face, card swiping and other forms, greatly improving the accessibility of owners. Through the daily application of digital technology People's livelihood Live smarter.

Community roads are not only the name card of the community, but also an important indicator to enhance the happiness of owners. The Rainbow Runway in the Feicui Dongwan Community before entering was damaged in a large area due to its long use time. In order to improve the owner's experience of returning home, Shimao Service invested funds to comprehensively renovate the Rainbow Runway around the community instead of simply repairing the local part. The renovated home road has a new look and won unanimous praise from the owner.

Jointly build happiness and improve service quality with a new heart

In view of the maintenance needs raised by many residents, Shimao Services sorted out the maintenance list after communicating with the industry committee. We provide free maintenance services for the owners within two months of their settlement, solve problems for the owners with quality and quantity guaranteed, and build a bridge of communication and trust between the owners and the property with practical actions. At the same time, replace the damaged fan in the lobby, so that the owner can feel cool and comfortable when waiting for the elevator in the hot summer.

Before Shimao Service entered, a large amount of garbage left over from construction was piled up in the outdoor parking spaces and safety passages of the community, which brought inconvenience to the owner's life, but also had potential safety hazards. After entering, with the full cooperation of the owner, the property service center immediately organized a team to clean up the accumulated debris and construction garbage and restore the smooth fire passage.

For the greening of the community, the property regularly "washes" the green belt of the park, removes withered leaves and weeds, and prunes the branches and leaves of green plants. The high pressure water gun is used to wash away the dirt covered layer by layer, so that the ground can "change the old look", maintain the original clean appearance of the community, and improve the comfort of the owners.

Multi service to create a harmonious community with temperature

In the property service center, the housekeepers answered the questions of the owners who came to consult, and the relevant needs were met whenever they asked; "No one listened to our problems and suggestions in the past, let alone implemented rectification". Looking at the new community, Aunt Liu, a resident, said happily, "The whole community has changed a lot since Shimao Service came. If I have anything to do, just tell the housekeeper that they are the first to help deal with it."

In addition to improving the living environment, what's more important is the harmonious neighborhood relationship. Shimao Service adheres to the party building to lead the construction of Xingmao Community and create red property. After entering the community, it actively interacts with the industry committee and the community party branch according to the seasonal solar terms, and has carried out nearly 20 activities in total, including swimming pool parties, winter ginger tea, children's school, National Day gala, cleaning floor mat fans Free clinic, neighborhood football match, free rabies vaccination, etc Convenience Activities, convenient life with actions, are favored by the owners.

Good property service is not only to take care of the park environment, but also to form a complete operation and maintenance of the community. In the future, Shimao Service will also adhere to the accurate docking of owners' needs with efficient, rigorous and warm property services, constantly improve the infrastructure construction of the community, and improve the level of property management services. Efforts will be made to make the community realize "frozen age" and even "reverse age". At the same time, it will actively cooperate with the community party branch and industry committee to carry out rich and diversified community cultural activities, create an interactive platform for the harmonious development of community neighbors, and create a warm and beautiful home for owners.

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