Suzhou Dongling Air Conditioning Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

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Main products

Central air conditioning maintenance, central air conditioning maintenance, screw compressor maintenance, CPI refrigerant oil, Fusheng compressor refrigerant oil, Hanzhong compressor refrigerant oil, Bizel compressor refrigerant oil, compressor oil filter.  ...

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contact information

  • Address: No. 1617, Donghuan Road, Pingjiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu
  • Postal code: 215021
  • Tel.: 0512-67525285/13656236880
  • Fax: 0512-67252733
  • Contact: Mr. Deng 13656236880
  • website:
  • mail box:


Introduction to Suzhou Dongling Air Conditioning Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd
Suzhou Dongling Air Conditioning Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd. is a professional organization dedicated to the installation, commissioning, repair, maintenance and water treatment services of central air conditioning systems (industrial chillers, water-cooled/air-cooled cabinet units, air-cooled heat pump units, constant temperature and humidity units, air conditioning terminal equipment, and duct ventilation systems), Now we are building the brand of central air-conditioning maintenance industry with a new service concept;
The service personnel of Dongling Air Conditioner always take the professional, systematic and preventive maintenance of central air conditioner as the priority, and reduce the failure rate of air conditioner so as to achieve the concept of prolonging the service life of the unit, reducing maintenance costs and standardized service as the purpose of enterprise service;
Dongling Air Conditioning Company has a team of professionals in HVAC engineering installation, intelligent control, refrigeration maintenance, and has been engaged in McVeil, York, Trane, Carrier, Dunham Bush, Hitachi, Daikin, Mitsubishi [Detailed Introduction]

Suzhou Dongling Air Conditioning Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd

Mr. Deng Sir
Company Tel.: 0512-67525285/13656236880
Mobile number: 13656236880
Enterprise Q Q: 245929901
Address: No. 1617, Donghuan Road, Pingjiang District, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
Postal code: 215021
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Maintenance of central air conditioner Central air conditioner maintenance Screw compressor maintenance