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Longgang Street, Shenzhen: Build a high wall of innocence with the positive energy of fighting evil

13:45, June 18, 2024 Source: Shenzhen Hong Kong Online
In order to further strengthen the awareness and ability of the medical and patient groups to consciously prevent and resist the infiltration of evil cults, effectively maintain a good public medical order, and consolidate the grassroots foundation of anti evil cults, recently, Longgang Sub district joined the community in Longgang Central Hospital to carry out anti evil cult warning education and publicity.

In order to further strengthen the awareness and ability of the medical and patient groups to consciously prevent and resist the infiltration of evil cults, effectively maintain a good public medical order, and consolidate the grassroots foundation of anti evil cults, recently, Longgang Sub district joined the community in Longgang Central Hospital to carry out anti evil cult warning education and publicity.

At the event site, through multi-level methods such as playing anti evil videos on LED screens, posting propaganda posters, distributing propaganda leaflets, on-site Q&A, etc., publicity was carried out in an all-round way, and the hospital staff, patients and patients' families were told what is a cult, the hazards of cults, the deception methods of cults, their characteristics and some typical cases, Exposed the fallacy of the cult that "you don't need to take medicine when you are ill", strictly prevented the phenomenon of disease causing evil, and let everyone understand the essence of anti society and anti humanity of the cult.

Through this publicity activity, the people's understanding of the nature of evil cults has been effectively improved, so that the people can further enhance their awareness of anti evil cults in ideology, actively resist and combat evil cults in action, create a healthy and "evil" free medical environment, and lay a solid foundation for efforts to build a higher level of safe hospitals.

Correspondent Xiang Yao

Shenzhen Hong Kong Highlights
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