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  • Institute News
  • Introduction
  • academic research
  • Chinese business culture
  • Social services
  • Award for the History of Merchandising Merchants
  • Professional Committee
  • Work exchange
  • Society construction

1、 Overview of the Institute

Chinese Society of Business History Society of Chinese Commercial History, Business History Society for short S.C.C.H 。) Incorporated in one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five In, it was a national first level society registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, and the competent authority was the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. The Society is a national, academic and non-profit academic social organization formed voluntarily by institutions of higher learning, scientific research units, historical records editing units, enterprises, administrative departments and personnel dedicated to business history research. Successive presidents of the society are Wu Hui, Hu Ping, Kong Xiangyi, Tang Qingshun and Wang Ruqin.

one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five In, professors from the Economic Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing Business School, Renmin University of China, Hubei University of Finance and Economics, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin University of Commerce, Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics, Beijing University of Finance and Trade and other colleges prepared for the seven month ten China Business History Research Association was established in Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics on July 1. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six In eight month sixteen The first representative meeting and the first council of the Chinese Society of Business History was held in Taiyuan Shanxi University of Finance and Economics on July,, Researcher Wu Hui of the Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was elected as the president of the first council, and Professor Wang Xiangqin, who was then the vice president of Beijing University of Business, was elected as the vice president and secretary general. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight year ten month twenty-three On October 1, the Chinese Society of Business History held its second annual meeting in Wuhu, Anhui Province. Wu Hui was reappointed as president and Mr. Hu Ping, Minister of Commerce, was hired as honorary president. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five year eleven In June, the Chinese Society of Business History held a meeting of executive directors and a seminar on business history in Zhejiang Province in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. Hu Ping, minister of the Ministry of Commerce, was elected as the president. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine year eleven month five On October 1, the Chinese Society of Business History held a general meeting and academic seminar in Zhengzhou. Hu Ping and Wu Hui, two old presidents, served as honorary presidents for life; Mr. Kong Xiangyi, professor and doctoral supervisor of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics( 1941-2017 )Was elected President. two thousand and four year three month twenty-eight Tang Qingshun, the chairman and general manager of Donglaishun Group, was elected as the chairman of the fifth council of the Chinese Society of Business History held in Wuyishan, Fujian, on March 1. two thousand and ten year six month twelve On October 6, the Chinese Society of Business History held the sixth member representative meeting and the first council of the sixth session in Beijing Vocational College of Finance and Trade. Professor Wang Ruqin, then the president of Beijing Vocational College of Finance and Trade, was elected as the president. two thousand and eighteen year seven month seven The seventh member representative meeting and the first council meeting of the seventh session of the Chinese Society of Business History were held at the Central University of Finance and Economics on October,, Wang Ruqin was elected as the president of the seventh council. two thousand and nineteen year four month sixteen Zhang Zhigang, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, was appointed Honorary President of the 7th Council of the People's Republic of China on August 19.


Wu Hui: Yu one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six Year to one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five President of the first session of the second session of the Board of Directors; Current Honorary President


Hu Ping:( 1930-2020 )Was on 1995 to 1999 President of the Third Council


Kong Xiangyi:( 1941-2017 )Was on 1999 to 2004 President of the 4th Council


Tang Qingshun: Yu 2004 to 2010 During this period, he served as the President of the 5th Board of Directors; Current Honorary President


Zhang Zhigang: Honorary President of the 7th Council


Wang Ruqin: Yu two thousand and ten President of the 6th and 7th Board of Directors since

The leadership of the Central University of Finance and Economics attaches great importance to the development of the Institute, actively explores the joint construction of the Chinese business history discipline by the Association and the University, provides the secretariat of the Institute with spacious office space and good working conditions for free, and arranges full-time secretariat staff. The new Council Secretariat is established in the School of Economics of the Central University of Finance and Economics, The society has built a core team with the teaching and research personnel of the economic history discipline of the School of Economics as the core team, and the universities, research institutions and business industry distributed throughout the country as the important research force, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business history and culture, the development of the Chinese business history discipline, and the historical mission entrusted by the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


Address: Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing thirty-nine Central University of Finance and Economics

Postal code: one hundred thousand and eighty-one

contact information: 01062289957

2、 Head of the 7th Council Society

President: Wang Ruqin


Executive Vice President: Li Tao


Director and Vice Chairman of the Development Work Committee of the Society: Chen Binkai


Director and Vice Chairman of the Academic Research Committee of the Society: Force


Director and Vice Chairman of the Social Service Work Committee of the Society: Li Xiao


Lan Rixu, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Editorial Committee of the Society


Vice President: (sorted by strokes of surname)


Vice President Wang Chengrong


Vice President Wang Xinqing


Vice President Ning Xin


Vice President Shi Tao


Long Denggao, Vice President


Vice President Xu Danya


Vice President Liu Ajin


Vice President Chen Feng


Su Wenjing, Vice President


Song Xiangqing, Vice President


Vice President Zhang Yalan


Vice President Chen Yaping


Vice President Chen Jinwen


Vice President Chen Gaohong


Vice President Li Denan


Lin Feng, Vice President


Vice President Zhou Jianbo


Vice President Yao Liming


Vice President Zhu Heliang


Zhao Lisheng, Vice President


Vice President Zhao Xuejun


Vice President Hong Junjie


Qian Naiyu, Vice President


Yuan Xiaojie, Vice President


Yuan Weipeng, Vice President


Vice President Guo Guoqing


Vice President Tang Haiyan


Vice President Xu Yunfeng


Liang Renzhi, Vice President


Vice President Xue Maoyun


Secretary General: Zhu Wei


3、 Committee of Experts

Director: Pang Yi


Members: (sorted by strokes of surname)

Wang Shihua, Xing Ying, Liu Lanxi, Sun Yuqin, Liu Jiansheng, Liu Ruisi, Zhu Zuxi, Zhu Yingui, Li Fei, Leng Dong, Su Wenjing, Lu Jianguo, Song Meiyun, Zhang Weidong, Li Linqi, Fan Jinmin, Hu Ying, Hu Yuyue, Luan Jianmin, Yuan Jiafang, Cui Manhong, Dong Zhikai, Dai Yuanguang, Wei Mingkong

4、 Professional Committee

one Professional Committee on the History of Commercial Gang: established in two thousand and two year ten month eighteen day

main   Ren: Li Linqi



The Professional Committee for the History of Business Gang was established in Anhui Normal University, and the special committee was established in the last century ninety Since its establishment in the s, it has deeply studied, spread and protected China's business gang culture. At the same time, the university platform is used to lead young scholars and college students to participate in the inheritance and protection of the cultural heritage of the business gang through various ways. two thousand and seventeen year twelve In June, the Professional Committee of the History of the Shang Gang held a general meeting, which indicates that the study of Shang Gang culture has entered a new era.

Deputy directors: Yu Tongyuan, Liu Jiansheng, Li Wen, Sun Liping, Chen Rui, Xu Bin, Liu Daosheng, Ma Yonghu

Secretary General: Liang Renzhi


two Foreign Trade History Branch: Established in two thousand and two year ten month eighteen day

main   Ren: Sun Yuqin



Foreign Trade History Branch was founded in one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four In, it was established in the University of International Business and Economics. The Special Committee is committed to the study of the history of China's foreign trade, has organized the compilation of many important works, participated in a number of research topics, and made contributions to the teaching and research of foreign trade theories.


Deputy director: Chen Jinwen

Secretary General: Chang Xu


three Salt Industry History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and six year nine month one day

main   Ren: Huang Zhucheng



Salt Industry History Professional Committee two thousand and eight It was established in Yangzhou University. Existing members three hundred Person, director eighty People. The special committee has gathered domestic salt industry history research experts and is committed to the exploration, protection and inheritance of Chinese salt culture. It has achieved fruitful results in the collection of historical materials, site protection, academic research and cultural dissemination.


Deputy directors: Wu Shi, Wei Mingkong, Song Meiyun, Cheng Longgang, Wang Guangwen, Huang Chunhua, Jinchuan, Mu Jialiang, Zhong Hailian

Secretary General: Gu Zhihong


four Wanli Tea Ceremony Professional Committee: established in two thousand and fifteen year twelve month eighteen day

main   Ren: Zhang Weidong



Wanli Tea Ceremony Professional Committee two thousand and fifteen year twelve It was set up in Qixian County, Shanxi Province. Taking the task of digging, sorting out and carrying forward the historical and cultural materials of the Wanli tea ceremony, the special committee has published a number of academic papers, edited and published a number of books and picture albums, produced film and television works "Dream Chasing Tea Ceremony" and "Tea Merchant Love", and actively promoted the application of Wanli tea ceremony for world cultural heritage.

Deputy Director: Zhang Yalan

Secretary General: Tian Jian


five Qin Business History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and sixteen year one month eighteen day

main   Ren: Liu Ajin



Qin Business History Professional Committee two thousand and sixteen year one month eighteen It was established in Xi'an on July 1. Relying on the Qin Merchants Federation, the Special Committee, taking strengthening the construction of business friendly culture and creating high-quality Qin Merchants culture as its own responsibility, has deeply excavated the cultural resources of Qin Merchants, told a good story about Qin Merchants, and strengthened cultural confidence. The research on Qin Merchants culture has yielded fruitful results.

Deputy director: Li Gang, Jing Ke

Secretary General: Cao Xiangyang


six Shandong Business History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and sixteen year five month twenty-one day

main   Ren: Qian Naiyu



Shandong Business History Professional Committee two thousand and six year five month twenty-one It was set up in Shandong Vocational College of Commerce. The special committee uses the advantages of the national model school to gather resources, collect and sort out the Shandong merchants' resource library, sort out the historical materials such as the texts and objects of the Shandong merchants, business groups, business names, and old streets, and study and establish the ideological and cultural system of the Shandong merchants. Inherit the spirit of Shandong merchants, carry forward and develop their culture, and promote their culture into education and classroom.

Deputy directors: Liu Qinglin, Liu Ruibo, Yuan Hongying, Ma Guangshui, Li Da, Li Mei, Sun Libo

Secretary General: Yang Bingqiang


seven Sichuan Business History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and sixteen year eleven month twenty-nine day

main   Ren: Xu Danya



Professional Committee of Sichuan Business History two thousand and sixteen year eleven month twenty-nine It was set up in Sichuan Vocational College of Commerce. Special Committee in Sichuan ten More than colleges, provincial academy of social sciences and other scientific research institutions sixty More than experts and scholars, integrating the research resources of museums, associations and enterprises, focused on Sichuan businessmen, trade routes, Sichuan salt, Sichuan tea, Sichuan wine, Sichuan cuisine, time-honored brands, Bashu culture, etc., and committed to preparing for the establishment of a Sichuan business culture museum and creating a high-level research platform for Sichuan business history and culture.

Deputy directors: Zeng Fanying, Duan Yu, Yu Daisong, Cheng Longgang

Secretary General: Wu Ping


eight Brand Professional Committee: established in two thousand and eighteen year one month six day

main   Ren: Guo Guoqing



Brand Professional Committee two thousand and eighteen year one It was set up in Guilin University of Technology in August. The Special Committee has made unremitting efforts in academic exchanges, field research, publication and network communication to promote the research and dissemination of brand development history, explore the connotation of brand culture, refine the core value of the brand, constantly develop and expand the strength of China's own brand, inherit the business civilization of the country and the nation.

Deputy directors: Li Xianguo, Liu Yanping, Niu Haipeng, Qian Minghui, Lian Yi, Zhang Depeng, Xiao Xiaohong, Liu Zhijiang

Secretary General: Qian Minghui


nine Jiangsu Business History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and eighteen year one month eighteen day

main   Ren: Xue Maoyun



Jiangsu Business History Professional Committee two thousand and eighteen year one It was set up in Jiangsu Vocational College of Economics and Trade. The special committee takes the Soviet merchants, the spirit of Soviet merchants, and the culture of Soviet merchants as the research object, combs the development context of Soviet merchants, explores the way to success of Soviet merchants, provides spiritual impetus and intellectual support for the sustainable development of Soviet merchants, and actively promotes the introduction of Soviet merchant culture into the campus, injecting a strong cultural driving force into the construction of high-level colleges and universities.

Deputy directors: Wang Zhifeng, Zhu Qinhua, Xu Guanting, Wu Yuenong, Tang Keke, Fang Yuning

Secretary General: Wang Bing


ten Professional Committee of time-honored brands: established in two thousand and eighteen year five month nineteen day

main   Ren: Zhu Heliang



Time honored Brand Professional Committee two thousand and eighteen year five It was set up in the Capital University of Economics and Trade in August. The Special Committee focuses on the business history research of time-honored brands, time-honored brand research, international exchanges of time-honored brands, and cultural promotion of time-honored brands to build a professional academic research platform for time-honored brands to develop, share, and collaborate, and promote the inheritance and innovative development of time-honored brands across the country.

Deputy directors: Xing Ying, Hu Ying, Lu Jianguo, Liu Xiaohong, Zhang Hong, Shao Yuling, Sun Xuezhong, Pan Haodong, Lai Yang

Secretary General: Guan Champion


11.“ The "Belt and Road" Professional Committee: established in two thousand and eighteen year nine month twenty-seven day

main   Ren: Xu Yunfeng



"Belt and Road" Professional Committee two thousand and eighteen year nine It was listed in August and set up in Guosheng Think Tank. The special committee combines the advantages of Guosheng Think Tank as a new type of think tank and the historical research advantages of the Chinese Society of Business History, serves the construction of the "Belt and Road", carries out policy analysis, subject research, project research, results release, think tank exchanges and other work, forms high-end research results, provides intellectual support for the stability and long-term development of the "Belt and Road", and further explores the "Belt and Road" A new model of people to people and cultural exchanges and contributions to enhancing people to people connectivity.

Secretary General: Zou Pei


twelve Enterprise History Branch: founded in two thousand and eighteen year ten month twelve day

main   Ren: Long Denggao



Enterprise History Branch two thousand and eighteen year ten It was listed in January and set up in Tsinghua University. The special committee provides historical wisdom and enlightenment for national macro decision-making, economic reform and social development, provides knowledge resources for education and communication, and has a long-term task of prospering China's business history and culture, building and improving the discipline of China's business history, popularizing and promoting research on corporate history and culture. It insists on holding academic activities, activating the academic atmosphere, adhering to the combination of industry, education and research, and working with the Federation of Overseas Chinese Overseas Chinese businessmen and local governments cooperate to promote the study of enterprise history.

Deputy directors: Yan Hongzhong, Liang Hua, Lin Liqiang, Li Yu, Diao Li

Secretary General: Xiong Jinwu


thirteen Henan Business History Professional Committee: established in two thousand and nineteen year four month eighteen day

main   Ren: Sun Hai

Henan Business History Professional Committee two thousand and nineteen year four month eighteen It was set up in Xuchang College. The special committee integrates the resources in the province, strengthens the cooperation between schools, schools and enterprises, builds a good platform and team for the study of the history of Henan merchants. Its main work is to study the history and culture of Henan merchants, protect the precious historical relics of commerce and trade, promote the cultural exchange of Henan merchants, promote the promotion and dissemination of the culture of Henan merchants, and strive to produce more and better results, Make contributions to local economic and social development.

Deputy directors: Wang Weiqin, Wang Shouqian, Wang Xinqing, Sun Jianguo, Song Xiangqing, Zhang Xinming, Cheng Feng, Dai Panghai

Secretary General: Xu Guolin


fourteen Commercial Cultural Heritage Professional Committee: established in two thousand and nineteen year five month twelve day

main   Ren: Li Tao



Commercial Cultural Heritage Professional Committee two thousand and nineteen year five month twelve It was set up in the Central University of Finance and Economics. Focusing on promoting the exploration, research and inheritance of commercial cultural heritage, the Special Committee strives to build an academic exchange platform for commercial cultural heritage and enterprise history, promote the inheritance and economic growth of commercial cultural heritage, and make suggestions for building a trade power.


Deputy directors: Gao Chaoqun, Lan Rixu, Lin Liqiang, Xu Yi, Fu Lin

Secretary General: Huang Yingwei

15. The Grand Canal of China Professional Committee: Established in two thousand and nineteen July 26

Main   Ren: Liu Shilin



The Grand Canal Professional Committee of China was set up in Shanghai Jiaotong University, which is composed of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt eight Provincial (municipal) universities and scientific research institutions jointly launched, and the Urban Science Research Institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University served as the director unit. Undertake the major projects of the National Social Science Fund, such as the Research on the Cultural Construction of the Grand Canal, the Report on the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Outline of the Grand Canal Cultural Protection, Inheritance and Utilization Plan and the Performance Evaluation of the Regional Implementation of the Grand Canal, the Report on Culture and Tourism Consumption of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the representative work Six Thousand li Canal, Twenty one Cities Selected into the Publicity Department's "Good Books in China", "China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News" best seller list, "Bright Book List", "Shanghai Book List", etc., published book reviews and recommendations on People's Daily, "Bright Daily", "People's Daily (Overseas Edition)", etc., and selected into the classic China International Publishing Project [English Version] and Silk Road Bookmaking Project [Arabic Version] of the State Press and Publication Administration. The Special Committee, based on urban policies and theories, strategies and development plans Construction evaluation and communication is the key research field, and is committed to building a new type of canal city development think tank that is "China's first-class and world famous".

Deputy Director: Feng Kui, Geng Bo, Wang Xiaojing, Su Xiaojing, Zheng Minde, Hu Qiwei, Li Denan, Jiang Xiaoyun, Liu Tao, Chen Xuan

Secretary general: Wang Xiaojing (concurrently)

Executive Secretary General: Sun Honggang

5、 Articles of Association

Articles of Association of the Chinese Society of Business History

general provisions

Article 1 The name of the Association is Chinese Society of Business History English name Society of Chinese Commercial History, Business History Society for short S.C.C.H

Article 2 The Association is a national, academic and non-profit social organization formed voluntarily by national colleges and universities, scientific research institutions, historical records editing units, enterprises, administrative departments and personnel dedicated to business history research.

Article 3 The purpose of the Society is to apply Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory Three Representatives Guided by the important thought, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should implement the Party's and the country's educational policies and talent work decisions, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, unite and organize teaching, scientific research, editing, management and other personnel dedicated to the study of business history, actively carry out academic activities, foster professionals, and promote discipline construction, Serve the sustainable development of Chinese commerce.

The Association abides by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practices core socialist values, and abides by social morality.

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Association sets up CPC organizations to carry out Party activities and provide necessary conditions for the activities of Party organizations.

Article 4 The Association accepts the business guidance, supervision and administration of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, the registration authority, and the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the competent business unit.

Article 5 The domicile of the Association is located in Beijing.

Chapter II Business Scope

Article 6 The business scope of the Association is:

(1) Study the development history of merchants, commercial organizations, commodity circulation, commercial culture, regional commerce, urban commerce and overseas Chinese businessmen in ancient, modern and modern China;

(2) Plan, organize and coordinate research activities in various regions, and guide research on special topics;

(3) Organize academic exchanges at home and abroad, carry out research and exchanges on the history of businessmen, business gangs, commodities, enterprises, management ideas and cultural history, foreign trade history, private business history, local business history, business chronicles, etc., write research reports, compile series of books and textbooks;

(4) Organize the research and protection of commercial cultural heritage;

(5) Establish the journal and network platform;

(6) Organize cargo forums and exhibitions entrusted by relevant government departments or according to the needs of discipline development;

(7) Provide consultation and training services for the society

Chapter III Members  

Article 7 Members of the Association are divided into individual members and unit members. All institutions of higher learning, scientific research institutions, historical records editing units, enterprises, administrative departments and personnel devoted to the study of business history who are enthusiastic about the study of business history can become unit members or individual members of the Association respectively after they acknowledge the Association's Articles of Association and apply for approval. Honorary members can be awarded to overseas well-known experts and scholars who have influence on the research of business history, and overseas friends who care about the work of the Association and actively give support.

Article 8 Members who apply to join the Association must meet the following conditions:

(1) Love the motherland and support the constitution of the association;

(2) Willing to join the Association;

(3) Unit members should have a certain influence in the business (industry, discipline) of the Association; Individual members should have a high professional theoretical level of business history or rich business practice experience.

Article 9 Procedures for membership:

(1) Submit the application for membership;

(2) It is recommended by individuals or members of the society and discussed and approved by the board of directors;

(3) Fulfill the membership registration procedures;

(4) The membership card shall be issued by the Council or the institution authorized by the Council.

Article 10 Members enjoy the following rights:

(1) The right to vote, stand for election and vote of the Association;

(2) Participate in the activities of the Association;

(3) Obtain the priority of our services;

(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association;

(5) Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.

Article 11 Members shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Implement the resolutions of the Association;

(2) To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association;

(3) Complete the work assigned by the Association;

(4) Pay membership dues as required;

(5) Report the situation to the Association and provide relevant information.

Article 12 A member who withdraws from the Association shall notify the Association in writing and return his membership card. If a member fails to pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the Club for two consecutive years, it will be deemed as automatic withdrawal.

Article 13 If a member seriously violates the Articles of Association, he/she shall be expelled after being voted by the Council or the Standing Council.

Chapter IV   Selection and removal of organization and responsible person    

Article 14 The highest authority of the Association is the General Assembly of Members, whose functions and powers are:

(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;

(2) Elect and remove directors;

(3) Review the work report and financial report of the Council;

(4) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;

(5) Decide on termination;

(6) Decide on other major issues.

Article 15 The member representative assembly must have 2/3 The meeting can be held only when more than half of the members' representatives are present, and the resolution can take effect only after being approved by more than half of the members' representatives present.

Article 16 The General Assembly of Member Representatives is held for five years. If the term of office needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration authority. The extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year.

Article 17 The Board of Directors is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the daily work of the Association during the intersessional period, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members.

Article 18 The functions and powers of the Council are:

(1) Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members;

(2) Elect and dismiss the President, Vice President and Executive Director, and decide on the appointment and dismissal of the Secretary General;

(3) To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives;

(4) Report work and financial status to the member congress;

(5) To decide on the admission and expulsion of members;

(6) To decide on the establishment, change and cancellation of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;

(7) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution;

(8) To lead the work of all institutions of the Association;

(9) Develop internal management system;

(10) Decide on the establishment and selection of honorary posts, and decide to hire consultants;

(11) Decide on other major issues.

Article 19 The Council must have 2/3 The meeting can only be convened by the above directors, whose resolution must be approved by the directors present at the meeting 2/3 The above voting can take effect.

Article 20 The Council shall meet at least once a year; Under special circumstances, it can be held in the form of communication.

Article 21 The Association shall establish a standing council. The standing council is elected by the council, and the number of members does not exceed the number of directors 1/3 , exercise the functions and powers specified in Items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Article 18 when the Council is not in session, and be responsible to the Council.

Article 22 The Standing Council shall have 2/3 The meeting can be held only when the above executive directors are present, and their resolutions must be attended by the executive directors 2/3 The above voting can take effect.

Article 23 The Standing Council shall hold a meeting at least half a year; Under special circumstances, it can be held in the form of communication.

Article 24 The President, Vice President and Secretary General of the Association must meet the following conditions:

(1) Adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality;

(2) Have great influence in the business field of the Association;

(3) The maximum age of the President and Vice President shall not exceed seventy One year old, the maximum age of the Secretary General shall not exceed sixty-five One year old and full-time;

(4) Good health, able to work normally;

(5) Have not received criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;

(6) Have full capacity for civil conduct.

Article 25 If the President, Vice President and Secretary General of the Group exceed the maximum age, they shall go through the resignation procedures.

Article 26 The term of office of the President, Vice President and Secretary General of the Association is five years. The longest consecutive term shall not exceed two.

Article 27 The President of the Association is the legal representative. Under special circumstances, the Vice President may act as the legal representative upon the entrustment of the President, the consent of the Council, the review of the competent business unit, and the approval of the community registration authority. The legal representative signs relevant important documents on behalf of the Association. The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other organizations.

Article 28 The President of the Association shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) Convene and preside over the council, standing council and president's office meeting in Beijing;

(2) Check the implementation of resolutions of the member congress, the council and the standing council;

(3) Other functions and powers to be exercised by the President.

Article 29 The Secretary General of the Association shall exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) Preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;

(2) Coordinate the work of each branch, representative office and entity;

(3) Nominate the Deputy Secretary General (full-time), the Deputy Secretary General and the main heads of the offices, branches, representative offices and entities, and submit them to the Council or the Standing Council for decision;

(4) To decide on the employment of full-time staff of administrative offices, representative offices and entities;

(5) Handle other daily affairs.  

Chapter V Principles of Asset Management and Use

Article 30 Fund source of the Group:

(1) Membership fees;

(2) Donation;

(3) Government funding;

(4) Income from activities and services carried out within the approved business scope;

(5) Interest;

(6) Other legitimate income.

Article 31 The Association collects membership fees in accordance with relevant national regulations.

Article 32 The funds of the Association must be used for the business scope and career development specified in the Articles of Association, and shall not be distributed among members.

Article 33 The Group has established a strict financial management system to ensure that accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete.

Article 34 The Association is staffed with accounting personnel with professional qualifications. The accountant shall not concurrently serve as the cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When an accountant is transferred or leaves his/her job, he/she must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.

Article 35 The asset management of the Association must implement the financial management system stipulated by the state, and accept the supervision of the member congress and the financial department. If the source of assets belongs to the state appropriation or social donation or subsidy, it must be subject to the supervision of the audit institution, and the relevant information must be announced to the public in an appropriate way.

Article 36 The Association must accept financial audit before changing its term of office or legal representative.

Article 37 No unit or individual may misappropriate, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the Association.

Article 38 The salary, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the state on public institutions.

Chapter VI Procedures for Amendment of the Articles of Association

Article 39 Any amendment to the Articles of Association of the Association shall be reported to the Member Congress for deliberation after being voted by the Council.

Article 40 The revised Articles of Association of the Association must be approved by the member congress fifteen Within days, it shall be reported to the competent business unit for review. After approval, it shall take effect after being reported to the society registration authority for approval.  

Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Property Disposal after Termination

Article 41 The Council or the Standing Council shall put forward a termination proposal if the Association needs to be cancelled due to the completion of its purpose or dissolution of its own accord or due to division, merger or other reasons.

Article 42 The termination proposal of the Association must be voted by the members' congress and reported to the competent business unit for review and approval.

Article 43 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During liquidation, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out.

Article 44 The association will be terminated upon the cancellation of registration by the association registration authority.

Article 45 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used for the development of undertakings related to the purposes of the Association under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and management authority of associations in accordance with relevant national regulations.  

Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 46 The Articles of Association are two thousand and eighteen year seven month seven It was approved by the vote of the seventh session of the General Assembly of Member Representatives on July.

Article 47 The Council of the Association reserves the right to interpret the Articles of Association.

Article 48 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the society registration administration authority.




Copyright: China Business History Society
Address of Secretariat: Central University of Finance and Economics, No. 39, Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Post code: 100081 Tel: 010-62289957

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