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 Golden Crown Member of Garden Network The 7th year
Shengzhou Xiecan Nursery Stock Cooperative Business license certification Personal identity authentication
Address: No.17, Houchang, Jinting Town, Shengzhou City
Contact: Wu Yibin Click here to send me a message
Post code: 312457
Tel.: 0571-88840385
Mobile: 15057140155
Other numbers: 0571-88840385
Fax: 0571-88840385
E-mail : suphu2014@163.com
WeChat: W978691608

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Supply information

Provide high-quality native feather maples, and sell them in high-quality years

(Published on: June 14, 2024) This information has been viewed 9897 times

Shengzhou Xiecan seedlings supply 3-28 cm feather maple red maple Japanese red maple chicken paw maple tasi Xifu crabapple August osmanthus early cherry late cherry red plum sapling red leaf Li Shinan yew green maple feather maple cluster crape myrtle beech red maple camphor fragrant bubble Luanshu wintersweet camellia tea plum Please contact 15057140155 Wu Feng, WeChat with

Shengzhou Xiecan Seedlings Professional for greening seedlings Japan Prunus lannesiana 4-25cm, Acer cristatum 5-30cm, Red leaf heather 7-25cm, Green maple Tufted green maple 6 to 18 Red leaf plum and purple leaf plum 7 - 20 cm, red maple 3-20 cm, Yoshino Ranai Sakura 3 cm - 28cm, Sapu Pushu Coral Park 10 to 30 points with Sapindus, camellia Beauty tea Camellia frutescens 2-20 cm , 3 to twenty-five Delicate crabapple, 3-30 cm native red plum and plum stump A cluster of red plums, 0.8-20cm fine feather maple and native feather maple, 8-15cm Xifu crabapple Primary Podocarpus Modeling Luohansong , August laurel cassiabark tree 200-50 zero Osmanthus fragrans 150-500 , overgrown camphor overgrown crape myrtle overgrown osmanthus for sale, triangular maple 6 twenty a centimeter, Michelia chapensis michelia maudiae eight To 20cm Michelia macclurei   , single pole wintersweet with plum tortoise wax Mei 3 to 20 cm, Tufted crape myrtle Lagerstroemia 6 to 18 cm, magnolia fortunei, magnolia grandiflora, magnolia magnolia Mgnolia 3 to 25 cm Meirenmei: 6-20cm, Yangmei: 8-15cm, Xiangpao: 10-22cm, fruit pomegranate FLOWER pomegranate seven -15cm, Huangshan Luanshu 10-30cm, Japanese red maple 8-18cm red Dancer is always popular American Red Maple, Beech red beech 10-30cm, yew 8-15cm, Chongyangmu, Huanghuai, Huangjinhuai Xia Juan, Du Ying Red Maple Golden Maple Chinese tallow privet, cinnamomum cassia 3-5 meters, native maple with chicken feet 10-18 cm, Plum weeping branches red Plum, Plum Dragon plum blossom 7-25cm Albizia albicans and white plum cluster Chinese tallow and green peach , Purple leaf peach Oblique drift Acer cristatum Oblique drift red maple Oblique drift Red plum, modelling trees, clusters of redbuds, clusters of flowers, pomegranates, clusters of wintersweet, seashore hibiscus hibiscus, tall cherry, Peony cherry, Congregate maple with chicken feet Congregate red maple, Congregate red plum Congregate cherry blossom

Shengzhou Xiecan Nursery Stock Cooperative Address: No. 17, Houchang, Jinting Town, Shengzhou City Tel: 0571-88840385
technical support: Garden network Administrator Portal
Business License No.: Zhe B2-20100396 Advertising Business License No.: 330100000040968 ZGZAB No. 33010402003154
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