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A series of reports on comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China:

The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China was released on January 11. What is the background of the opinion? What key tasks are proposed? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecological Environment.

Q: What is the background of the opinions?

A: At present, China's economic and social development has entered a high-quality stage of accelerating green and low-carbon development. The construction of ecological civilization is still in a critical period of pressure superposition and carrying forward. The structural, root and trend pressures on ecological environment protection have not been fundamentally alleviated. The national conditions of large resource pressure, limited environmental capacity and fragile ecosystem have not changed, The endogenous impetus for green transformation of economic and social development is insufficient, the foundation for stable and good ecological environment quality is not yet solid, the total amount of pollutants and carbon emissions is still high, the trend of ecosystem degradation in some regions has not been fundamentally reversed, and the task of building a beautiful China is still arduous. In the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, we need to maintain the strategic determination to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, unswervingly follow the path of civilized development featuring development in production, prosperity in life and good ecology, and build a beautiful home with blue sky, green land and clean water.

The opinions put forward the main goals, major tasks and major reform measures for building a beautiful China by 2027 and 2035, which are important for coordinating industrial restructuring, pollution control, ecological protection, tackling climate change, promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and supporting high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment, It is of great significance to accelerate the formation of a new pattern of building a beautiful China guided by the modernization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and to lay a solid ecological foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Q: What is the goal of building a beautiful China?

A: In terms of main objectives, we have anchored three time node objectives: by 2027, green and low-carbon development will be further promoted, total emissions of major pollutants will continue to decrease, ecological environment quality will continue to improve, land and space development and protection pattern will be optimized, ecosystem service functions will continue to strengthen, urban and rural living environment will be significantly improved, and national ecological security will be effectively guaranteed, The ecological environment governance system has become more sound, and a number of practice models have been formed. The construction of a beautiful China has achieved remarkable results. By 2035, a green production and life style will be widely formed. After carbon emissions reach their peak, the ecological environment will be basically improved. A new pattern of land and space development and protection will be fully formed. The stability of ecosystem diversity will be significantly improved. The national ecological security will be more stable. The modernization of the ecological environment governance system and governance capacity will be basically achieved, and the goal of a beautiful China will be basically achieved. Looking forward to the middle of this century, the ecological civilization will be comprehensively improved, the green development mode and lifestyle will be fully formed, the key areas will be deeply decarbonized, the ecological environment will be healthy and beautiful, the modernization of the ecological environment governance system and capacity will be fully realized, and the beautiful China will be fully built.

At the same time, the opinions focus on optimizing the pattern of land and space development and protection, promoting green and low-carbon development in key areas as a whole, continuously and deeply fighting the blue sky defense, continuously and deeply fighting the blue water defense, and continuously and deeply fighting the pure land defense, and based on the principle of feasibility and accessibility, put forward the goals and requirements by 2027 and 2035 respectively.

Q: What are the key tasks proposed in the comments?

A: The comments put forward the following key tasks.

First, accelerate the green transformation of the development mode. Optimize the pattern of land space development and protection, and improve the management and control system of ecological environment zoning covering the whole region. Implement carbon peak action in a planned way, carry out collaborative innovation pilot of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Promote green and low-carbon development in key areas as a whole.

Second, we will continue to deepen the prevention and control of pollution. We will continue to deepen the blue sky defense battle, and vigorously promote the coordinated emission reduction of multiple pollutants with the control of fine particles as the main line. We will continue to deepen the green water defense war, coordinate the management of water resources, water environment and water ecology, continue to promote the comprehensive management of key sea areas, and build beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays. We will continue to do a good job in defending the Pure Land and tackling key problems in agricultural and rural pollution control. We will strengthen the control of solid waste and new pollutants.

Third, improve the stability and sustainability of ecosystem diversity. We will comprehensively promote the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, and strengthen the construction of a regulatory system for ecological protection and restoration. Implement the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, and promote the recuperation of grasslands, forests, rivers, lakes and wetlands. We will implement major projects to protect biodiversity.

Fourth, we must firmly guard the bottom line of building a beautiful China. We will improve the legal system, strategic system, policy system, and response management system for national ecological security. Ensure nuclear and radiation safety, strengthen biosafety management, vigorously improve the ability to adapt to climate change, and effectively respond to adverse impacts and risks of climate change.

The fifth is to create a model for building a beautiful China. Build a pilot area for beautiful China. We will promote the construction of a beautiful city that is green, low-carbon, beautiful, ecologically livable, safe, healthy, smart and efficient. We will promote the revitalization of rural ecology and the improvement of rural human settlements, and build beautiful villages.

Sixth, carry out the nationwide action of building a beautiful China. Advocate a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption mode. We continued to carry out a series of activities of "Beautiful China, I am an actor".

Seventh, improve the security system for building a beautiful China. We will strengthen incentive policies and support finance, taxation, finance, and pricing. We will strengthen scientific and technological support and implement major initiatives for scientific and technological innovation in the ecological environment. Accelerate the implementation of major projects such as pollution reduction and carbon reduction, ecological protection and restoration.

Q: What incentive policies and measures are proposed in the opinion?

A: Opinions put forward a package of incentive policies and measures from different perspectives to mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of all parties to jointly build and share a beautiful China.

Reform and innovation. Promote the performance grading of sewage treatment and discharge levels of key industries and enterprises. Accelerate the construction of environmental credit supervision system. We will improve economic incentive policies oriented by green agricultural development, support the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and promote the collection, treatment, and utilization of livestock and poultry manure throughout the county.

Market mechanism. Include carbon emission rights, energy use rights, water use rights, emission rights, etc. into the overall plate of factor market-oriented allocation reform. Considering the energy consumption and environmental protection performance of enterprises comprehensively, we will improve the tiered electricity pricing system in high energy consuming industries. Improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products.

Public participation. Explore the establishment of "carbon inclusive" and other public participation mechanisms. Encourage grass-roots units such as parks, enterprises, communities and schools to carry out green, clean and zero carbon leading actions.

Science and technology support. Innovate the ecological environment science and technology system and mechanism, and build a market-oriented green technology innovation system. We will build large scientific installations and innovation platforms such as key laboratories, engineering technology centers, and scientific observation and research stations in the field of ecological environment.

Q: How to organize and implement opinions?

A: First, strengthen organizational leadership. Adhere to and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the building of a beautiful China, and improve the working mechanism of the central planning, the province taking overall responsibility, and the city and county focusing on implementation. Formulate regulations on the responsibility system for ecological environment protection of local party and government leaders, and establish a responsibility system that covers all aspects, has the same rights and responsibilities, has clear rewards and punishments, and is interconnected.

The second is compaction responsibility. Formulate action plans in different fields, establish work coordination mechanisms, accelerate the formation of a beautiful China construction implementation system and promotion mechanism, promote the project based, inventory based, and accountability of tasks, and strengthen overall coordination, scheduling, evaluation, and supervision and management.

Third, strengthen publicity and promotion. Promote the integration of ecological civilization education into the cadre education, party member education and national education system. We strengthened the publicity of ecological civilization through various forms and released the white paper on building a beautiful China.

Fourth, carry out effectiveness assessment. Timely transfer the effectiveness assessment of pollution prevention and control to the effectiveness assessment of building a beautiful China.


Stride towards the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature

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