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Traveler's micro review 152 - introspection - talk about the community (neighborhood committee) in recent years

Author: Walker Release time: 07:14, March 24, 2023 Classification: Blog | Politics and Current Affairs Browse: 1667 Comments: 0

Communities in cities (including some towns) generally have neighborhood committees, corresponding to village committees in rural areas.

In the current FA law, neighborhood committees and village committees are self organized organizations of grassroots people without administrative power. From this point of view, the orientation of the community should mainly be service and coordination. However, whether it is an autonomous organization or not is not the most critical, because today's more troublesome problem is that many local communities have self positioned themselves as management organizations, and even alienated into the monitoring tools of some organs and even some leaders, which has also become the cause of many contradictions. Especially in the "extraordinary period" of the past three years, the self expansion and power expansion of some communities even raised the question of "why organizations like communities are not banned" on the Internet.

In fact, there are many "functions" that can be completely implemented by the "higher level" streets of the community, or "higher level" districts and counties. These two levels of institutions are statutory first level governments (and their local offices). In recent years, comprehensive/administrative service centers have also been established, with front-line capabilities. However, the expansion of administrative power and institutions is a common phenomenon that cannot be avoided in all countries, and China is no exception. Although the community does not have the establishment of official apes, it can often achieve the effect of eating money and money through "political FU purchase services". Although in theory, the community needs to be responsible downward and mainly accept the supervision of the residents in the region, it can find a way to "organize", set up parallel branches in the neighborhood committees, and then the general branches/DANG committees of the streets or districts and counties will give orders, so as to achieve more powerful control.

It is the so-called "eating your salary and worrying about you". To some extent, it seems unreasonable to accept money without doing anything. On the one hand, the residents of the community cannot pay the commission directly. On the other hand, "the government purchases services" determines that the community staff consider from their own livelihood, and "who needs to listen to" has "reversed". Ran Goose, as a person in modern society, still needs to establish the awareness of "taxpayer", even though this concept has been repeatedly attacked by many keyboard men nowadays. We should realize that it is the people who support the country with labor, not the empty "country" that nurtures the people.

The community also has a big weapon, that is, it often says vaguely, intentionally or "unintentionally", "to receive the notice from the superior" or "according to the requirements of the relevant departments". This is a good saying. The responsibility of some leaders has been removed every minute, because legally, neighborhood committees have no "superior", and they should be elected by the residents and responsible to all residents. As for the "relevant departments", they have always been one of the most mysterious organizations in China for many years, because no specific direction has ever been found. For more than 2000 years, China has always used both Confucianism and internal law, and both the king and the tyrant. Confucianism and the kingcraft are more often appearances, or even pretences. Some leaders prefer legalist means, and prefer simple, rough and effective hegemony, but these are "hidden rules", which are inconvenient to admit in public. Therefore, the community as the white glove of some organs, It is very useful and convenient to do something for some organs, or simply for some leaders that they want to do but are not convenient to do in person, or dare not do it in a big way.

However, there are also community members who feel good about themselves and can't find their own position. They play too many games and then play off, For example, after the whole city was "unsealed", the neighborhood committee still did not allow residents to leave the community There are also too many smuggled goods that cause public anger. The most typical is that after the community is closed, only a few designated channels, or some "group leaders", can purchase living materials, while distant donations may be hidden, discarded, or even resold. Three years of "YI prevention" is a mirror, which makes all kinds of monsters appear, and the community is no exception. Even if some problems have not been exposed in the past three years, they will be exposed in the future.

Strictly speaking, there are only three levels of "legal" "administrative regions" in China, namely "province/...", "county/district/..." and "township/town". After the district was changed into a prefecture level city, the agency of provincial ZHENG government became the actual first level "administrative district". The expansion of street and community institutions and the increase of personnel are said to have led to the soaring of the financial support team from 40 million to 80 million or more in recent years. As a result, the three-year "anti YI" period of "bustling" ended. Facing the local chicken feather economy, many places with financial constraints have taken the idea of "downsizing" and "retreating". This is a good phenomenon, but we should still pay attention to prevent some things from reviving and entering a new cycle after everything has recovered.


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