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Excel+PPT+Word three in one introduction to proficiency, workplace improvement, office skills, Office practical lecturers Li Zejian, Li Zejian Excel, [500 yuan to learn from Li Zejian, 20 years of refined results, comparable to and superior to any similar courses] 1 - [Course permanent!]: less than 1 yuan per lesson! 520+video courses, practical, step-by-step, from simple to deep. Total duration 7500+minutes! Li sees the questions and answers, and long-term coaching will accompany your growth. This course is not a pompous online course for complicated or trivial problems, but a valuable course for systematically improving your OFFICE practical skills. [Reminder]: This lesson is not suitable for Mac Office. 2 - The most practical and cost-effective high-quality Office courses with the largest number of video sessions on the whole network, few of which are 2-3 times more than many online courses, or even 10 to 20 times more 3 - You must carefully compare the cost performance when buying online courses. [Download nearly 1000 case files!] The average length of each video in this lesson is 15 minutes. Then send 211 sets of exquisite PPT templates carefully selected from 6000 sets of material library. If you want other materials, the teacher will try to provide you with resources 4 - You promise to persist in learning, and I guarantee that you are a master! WeChat QQ group is a long-term companion. This is enough for the rapid improvement of Office skills. Xiaobai becomes a master in half a year and gets tens or even hundreds of times of returns! 5 - For all cases synchronized with the video, click Download in the # Reference # at the bottom left of each video. 6 - Most of the software used in the teacher's explanation is [Office2016 or 2013]. 7 - Click to open the video, select [Ultra clear] at the lower right corner of the video and zoom in, which is very clear 8 - Log in to your account on your computer to watch it, please use Sogou or 360 or Google Browser! Microsoft IE cannot load the video plug-in. Mobile phone and IPAD download APP to watch. Applicable crowd: Quickly improve [Win version] Excel, PPT, Word to be friends of experts. Both Xiaobai and experts are suitable for [permanent course, community counseling, and famous teacher answering]