
    How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xu Peng

    Although the UFS 4.0 products on smart phones have been widely popularized, the products in the field of vehicle UFS 4.0 are still relatively blank. For manufacturers, using the SoC based on UFS 4.0 also requires a lot of rigorous verification. All verification work is based on the premise that the on-board UFS 4.0 products should be produced first. It has become a dilemma of "chicken lays eggs, or egg lays chicken" whether the vehicle SoC should be updated first or the vehicle UFS 4.0 first. Just recently, the vehicle UFS 4.0 product launched by Armour Man has solved this problem well, providing a solid foundation for the popularization of vehicle UFS 4.0.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    New intelligence of power assisted vehicle

    With the improvement of on-board processing performance and the transformation of the EEA (Electronic/Electronic Architecture), how to improve the advanced driving assistance system, infotainment system, and how to provide performance guarantee for on-board network communication and on-board ECU will become new problems.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    In particular, ADA and L3 level automatic driving have become popular. The traditional integrated ECU with single function can no longer meet the response requirements. The domain type architecture and the future central integrated architecture have become new trends. Similar to personal computers, on-board ECUs should play the role of central processing, quickly acquire cameras, laser radar sensors, high-precision data maps, V2X data, and quickly run large models, artificial intelligence algorithms, large amounts of reading and writing, which also doomed the on-board data storage to be reliable, large capacity and efficient.

    The XFR vehicle UFS 4.0 is a high-performance vehicle storage product designed for such intelligent driving scenarios. As the inventor of NAND flash memory, the Armour Hero has been leading flash memory SSD And other storage industries. The same is true in the field of on-board storage. By actively expanding the lineup of e-MMC and UFS standard products, Armour Man has provided a large number of solutions for on-board storage, and also laid the foundation for the launch of on-board UFS 4.0 products.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    Promote new standards

    Different from some manufacturers that use third-party controllers, the Armour UFS 4.0 insists on developing its own master controller at the beginning of the design, so as to realize the fine management of flash memory by the controller and improve the storage performance. This requires the design team to accumulate a lot of design experience in the storage field, and because of this, the Armour Man can take the lead in launching the vehicle mounted UFS 4.0 product, so as to have more leading advantages in the product.

    For example, compared with e-MMC, UFS has more advantages in transmission rate. It uses a serial interface and supports full duplex communication, that is, it can read and write data at the same time. As early as 2020, UFS 3.1 achieved a transmission speed of 2320MB/s, and UFS 4.0 increased this value to 4640MB/s. This means that UFS is more suitable for the application of advanced intelligent driving assistance systems such as ADAS.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    For example, the HS-LSS (High Speed Link Startup Sequence) function supported by the Armored Man vehicle UFS 4.0 can help the vehicle system realize high-speed startup, and has the diagnostic function of equipment operation history records, as well as the refresh function of refreshing aging data to maintain reliability and durability.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    Armour Xia also actively participated in the formulation of M-PHY and UniPro specifications of UFS 4.0, which can better combine equipment to achieve data transmission in an efficient and reliable manner, thus improving the storage performance and overall response speed of the system, and thus promoting the technological development process of the entire industry. In fact, UFS 3.1 storage has been the mainstream choice for vehicles above L3 level. With the continuous improvement of on-board sensors and computing power, a higher specification data transmission scheme is imperative, and the Armour UFS 4.0 product will become one of the ideal choices in the future.

    Not only that, the Armour Man vehicle mounted UFS 4.0 product also meets the wide temperature requirements, providing a working temperature range of - 40 ℃ to 105 ℃, meeting the requirements of AEC-Q100 Grade 2, and the maximum read/write speed can reach 4000MB/s and 2000MB/s, twice the speed of the vehicle mounted UFS 3.1 product.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    Create a new ecology for vehicles

    In terms of vehicle application research and development, the Armour Man vehicle UFS 4.0 is efficient and reliable. Together with the industry, it has worked hard to break through the technical bottleneck, provided the industry with reliable industry experience and evaluation scheme, and laid a good foundation for the subsequent high-level automatic driving, even L5 level automatic driving. At the same time, the XFR vehicle UFS 4.0 also takes the lead in providing three capacity products of 128GB, 256GB and 512GB to choose from, providing a strong guarantee for vehicle storage, autopilot and intelligent cockpit upgrade.

     How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0?

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: How will the intelligent driving system be upgraded after the launch of XFR vehicle UFS 4.0? true report two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine Although the UFS 4.0 products on smart phones have been widely popularized, the products in the field of vehicle UFS 4.0 are still relatively blank. For manufacturers, using the SoC based on UFS 4.0 also requires a lot of rigorous verification. All verification work is based on the premise that the on-board UFS 4.0 products should be produced first. Should the on-board SoC be updated first or the on-board UFS 4.0 become a "chicken lays eggs, or eggs..."
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