
    Uncover the black technology in the "magic color box", Seagate Mozaic 3+leads the innovation of storage area density

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Xu Peng

    At present, intelligent technology represented by generative AI is reshaping productivity in all walks of life. According to McKinsey's prediction, generative AI is expected to contribute about $7 trillion to the global economy and increase the overall economic benefits of AI by about 50%. In this trend, generative AI will be used to simplify (virtual experts), code and Software Development, content creation, customer interaction and other scenarios contribute great value. At this time, large models with tens of billions and hundreds of billions of parameters emerge one after another, behind which is the test of computing, network and storage. By 2025, the data generated by generative AI will account for 10% of all generated data. In the era of data explosion, enterprises should not only use AI capabilities to accelerate business innovation, but also effectively balance innovation and cost investment to ensure ROI.

    “Mozaic 3+ The platform is such a storage platform that takes into account multiple advantages such as capacity expansion, total cost of ownership optimization, and sustainability. " Seagate Liu Jia, Director of Product Line Management of Science and Technology China, said. Mozaic 3+(Magic Color Box 3+) platform has added Seagate Galaxy Exos series enterprise products, including the newly released Hard disk The platform also incorporates innovative technologies such as thermal assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). In terms of the density of a single disk, Mozaic 3+can support 3TB+. In the coming years, 4TB+and 5TB+will be realized for a single disk. At present, Seagate is also the only hard disk manufacturer in the world that can provide customers with single disc 3TB+storage area density.

    There is no doubt that intelligent technology has revolutionized people's production and life. Since 2017, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has paid close attention to the impact of automation technology on work. After analysis, MGI found that the current work of workers within 50% of working hours may be automated before 2030. In the Chinese market alone, about 220 million jobs may be reshaped by automation technologies such as generative AI. This series of figures confirms the great impact that generative AI will bring to workers. Accordingly, enterprises will also fully benefit from the commercial value brought by AI technology.

    However, the technological transition has also triggered new challenges. As the IT cornerstone to provide the computing power and storage power required by AI, the data center has also experienced explosive growth in the past few years. At the same time, the construction of high-quality modern data centers has been put on the agenda. According to the Action Plan for Green and Low Carbon Development of Information and Communication Industry (2022-2025) and other policy documents, by 2025, the power utilization efficiency (PUE) of new large and super large data centers nationwide will be reduced to below 1.3. In addition, the data center's floor space, related facilities, and pollution emissions are also strictly controlled.

    For customers, if they want to take advantage of limited conditions to obtain more IT resources and further reduce costs, they cannot do without innovation at the infrastructure level. In the storage field, there are two main ways to increase the capacity of hard disks: increasing more disks and increasing the area density. The former requires additional disks, magnetic heads and electronic devices, and the acquisition cost, power consumption and carbon emissions are relatively high. The latter requires the same or fewer disks, magnetic heads and electronic devices, and the same or lower acquisition cost, power consumption and carbon emissions. Area density is the product of bit density and trace density, in bits/inch two At present, the mainstream high-capacity mechanical hard disk is about 24TB. If you want to further increase the capacity, a better way is to increase the area density. In the future, the innovation of areal density will also help the increase of hard disk capacity much better than the increase of discs, but the increase of power consumption is relatively limited.

    If the Exos X16 is compared with the Exos X 30TB Mozaic hard disk, and the capacity is upgraded from 16TB to 30TB (or from 1.78TB/single disk to 3TB/single disk), the storage capacity of the same data center can be doubled under the maximum operating power. Compared with the traditional Exos X16 16TB PMR hard disk, the power consumption per TB can be reduced by 40%, the carbon emissions can be reduced by 55%, and the consumption of raw materials, power and other links can be saved.

    It should be emphasized that the innovation of Mozaic 3+is multi-dimensional, including superlattice platinum alloy medium. The physical principle of high-density recording requires that the particle size of the medium be smaller on the basis of the nanometer level, but the smaller the particle size, the worse the stability. Traditional alloys cannot provide enough magnetic stability to achieve effective and reliable storage. In the Mozaic 3+platform, The Fe Pt superlattice structure is used as the dielectric alloy, which significantly improves the magnetic coercivity of the disk media, makes data writing more accurate, and achieves higher bit stability; In order to match the more stable and solid superlattice platinum alloy medium, the plasma writer has designed a new writer. Using its self-developed nano photon laser, it can generate a tiny hot spot on the surface of the medium to reliably write data. This is also the embodiment of Hije HAMR technology. In the future, Seagate plans to vertically integrate the nano photon laser into the plasma writer subsystem.

     Uncover the black technology in the "magic color box", Seagate Mozaic 3+leads the innovation of storage area density
    Mozaic 3+contains a number of innovative technologies

    Smaller written data particles can only play a role when they can be read. The seventh generation spin electronic reader is integrated with the sub components of the plasma writer. Mozaic 3+uses quantum technology. This reader is one of the smallest and most sensitive magnetic field reading sensors in the world. In order to efficiently coordinate these technologies, Seagate uses the self-developed 12nm integrated controller. Compared with the previous solution, this ASIC has achieved a performance improvement of up to three times.

    Obviously, the rich innovation is closely related to Seagate's R&D investment over the years. The company's R&D investment will account for about 10% of its revenue, involving many fields such as material science, engineering design, testing and verification. "The Mozaic 3+(Magic Box 3+) platform is like a magic box, which integrates various new technologies. We also hope that in the future continuous upgrading and iteration process, it will bring a more promising future to the innovation of the hard disk industry." Liu Jia said.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Uncover the black technology in the "magic color box", Seagate Mozaic 3+leads the innovation of storage area density true report three thousand six hundred and twenty-one At present, intelligent technology represented by generative AI is reshaping productivity in all walks of life. According to McKinsey's prediction, generative AI is expected to contribute about $7 trillion to the global economy and increase the overall economic benefits of AI by about 50%. In this trend, generative AI will contribute great value to simplifying (virtual experts), coding and software development, content creation and customer interaction
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