
    Dapu Micro SSD products have obtained BSI carbon footprint certification

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: eleven

    Zhongguancun Online News, a few days ago, DapuStor SSD The product has obtained the BSI carbon footprint certification issued by the world's leading inspection, testing and certification agency, which marks the important achievements made by Dapu and WeChat in sustainable development and environmental protection. Dapu Micro SSD products have obtained BSI carbon footprint certification

    Significance of BSI carbon footprint certification

    The carbon footprint certification of BSI is one of the most authoritative environmental protection certification in the world. Based on the international standard PAS2050: 2011, the assessment covers the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the whole life cycle of products. It aims to promote enterprises to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction in the whole life cycle, meet the requirements of authoritative certification, and truly achieve environmental friendliness throughout the life cycle.

    Market trend of low-carbon SSD products

    As a global consensus, low-carbon development is the key to achieving sustainable development. With the wide application of cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, the energy consumption of data centers has increased dramatically, which not only brings high operating costs, but also has a significant impact on the environment.

    As the core component of data storage, SSD's performance and energy consumption directly affect the overall efficiency of the data center. Compared with traditional mechanical hard disks, SSD has significant advantages in data read/write speed, energy efficiency and reliability. Therefore, using low-carbon and efficient SSDs is one of the key measures to improve the energy efficiency of data centers.

    At the same time, the market is increasingly inclined to choose products that make efforts in energy conservation and emission reduction. In this context, low-carbon and energy-saving storage solutions become particularly important.

    DapuStor's environmental responsibility

    Faced with the challenges of the digital economy era, Dapu micro products are a key component of the data center. The energy efficiency and environmental protection performance of SSDs are of great significance for reducing the overall energy consumption and promoting the development of green technology. Therefore, Dapu WeChat has integrated a number of environmental protection measures into its products and operations.

     Dapu Micro SSD products have obtained BSI carbon footprint certification

     Dapu Micro SSD products have obtained BSI carbon footprint certification

    Through these efforts, the SSD products of Dapu Micro have successfully obtained the BSI carbon footprint certification, which is not only the embodiment of the company's efforts in the low-carbon direction, but also the responsibility of science and technology enterprises in the field of environmental protection. Dapu WeChat has actively contributed to building a green future by introducing efficient and low-carbon SSD solutions, and will continue to support the data center to develop in a green and low-carbon direction in the future, making substantive contributions to the global climate change response.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Dapu Micro SSD products have obtained BSI carbon footprint certification true report one thousand four hundred and ninety-six Zhongguancun Online News: Recently, DapuStor's SSD products have won the BSI carbon footprint certification from the world's leading inspection, testing and certification agency, marking DapuStor's important achievements in sustainable development and environmental protection. BSI's carbon footprint certification is one of the most authoritative environmental protection certification in the world. Based on the international standard PAS2050: 2011, the assessment covers
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