Market overview
  • Hong Kong shares
  • US stocks
Daily Tips
Individual stock market
  • Deep A
  • Shanghai B
  • Deep B
  • fund
  • Hong Kong shares
Shanghai-Hongkong Stock Connect
Common css class:
No class
Page default color, main text color # 494949, default font SimSun, 13px
.c1, .c1 a, a.c1
example c1, Market red, # fe0002
.c2, .c2 a, a.c2
example c2, Market green, # 090
.c3, .c3 a, a.c3
example c3, Market level, and other # 333 fonts and links
.c4, .c4 a, a.c4
example c4, Light gray hint color
.c5, .c5 a, a.c5
example c5, Stock name hyperlink
.fnb, a.fnb, .fnb a
Digital font, Tahoma, current price, rise and fall, 0123456789
Use class to set font size 10 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 11 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 12 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 14 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 15 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 16 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 17 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 18 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 19 (automatically adjust line height)
Use class to set font size 20 (automatically adjust line height)