After the Exchange reported the stock verification, Nanjing Chemical Fiber fell by the limit

Caijing 2024/05/22

On May 22, Nanjing Chemical Fiber began trading at a lower limit. As of press release, it has reported 6.75 yuan/share, turnover rate of 2.09%, and turnover of 51.58 million yuan.

Previously, the share price of Nanjing Chemical Fiber rose by a daily limit. At noon on May 21, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the trading of Nanjing Chemical Fiber stocks. The notice said that the Shanghai Stock Exchange had paid attention to the relevant network information about the stock price trend on May 20, and immediately started the transaction verification, and would take corresponding measures in a timely manner according to the verification results.

On the evening of May 21, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued a notice on the verification of Nanjing Chemical Fiber's stock, saying that recently, the stock price of Nanjing Chemical Fiber fluctuated significantly. In response to the behavior of related investors who fabricated and disseminated misleading information to disrupt the normal trading order of the market, the Exchange took regulatory measures to suspend trading of relevant accounts for 15 days in accordance with regulations, The suspected violations have been transferred for further investigation. The SSE reminds investors to pay attention to investment risks and conduct transactions in compliance and prudence.

Edit: Guan Huijie
keyword: Nanjing Chemical Fiber

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