Refusing Rumour Today (June 17, 2024)

June 17, 2024 Rumor: Chongqing 2024 high school entrance examination results have been issued? Truth: On June 14, an account released a video saying that "the results of the 2024 Chongqing High School Entrance Examination have been released, and the advanced middle school curriculum reform class 700, the first middle school curriculum reform class 650, and the experimental middle school curriculum reform class 666". Upon verification, the information is rumor. According to the work arrangement of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission, the 2024 middle school entrance examination will be held from June 12 to June 14. At present, the 2024 high school entrance examination in Dianjiang County has just ended, and the high school entrance examination papers have not been corrected. According to the enrollment work arrangement of ordinary high schools in Dianjiang County, Dianjiang Middle School, Experimental Middle School and Dianjiang No. 1 Middle School will start to enroll students on June 23. At that time, the county education committee will publish the admission scores of the three schools through Dianjiang Education WeChat official account. (Source: @ Chongqing refutes rumors) Myth: Does high uric acid lead to gout? Truth: This statement is inaccurate. Gout is usually associated with high uric acid. High uric acid is easy to cause gout, but it does not mean that high uric acid will definitely develop into gout. When the level of uric acid in the blood is too high for a long time, if not treated in time, the too high uric acid will easily exceed its solubility in the blood, forming urate crystals and depositing in joints, kidneys and other parts, which will lead to gout, gouty nephropathy and other diseases. Hyperuricemia ≠ gout. Whether high uric acid will turn into gout depends on the individual. The higher the blood uric acid concentration, the greater the possibility of the formation of urate crystals, and the greater the risk of gout. But there are also a large number of hyperuricemia groups without symptoms and will not develop gout. (Source: Science refutes rumors) Tip: Four departments including the National Internet Information Office announced the Regulations on Cyber Violence Information Governance Details: Recently, the State Internet Information Office, together with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Administration of Radio and Television, announced the Regulations on Cyber Violence Information Governance (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which will come into force on August 1, 2024. The relevant person in charge of the State Internet Information Office said that the information on online violence seriously infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and was highly concerned by all sectors of society. In order to govern online violence information, create a good online ecosystem, safeguard citizens' legitimate rights and interests, and safeguard social and public interests, the four departments jointly issued the Regulations, which clarifies the main responsibilities of online information content management, establishes and improves the prevention and early warning mechanism, regulates online violence information and account disposal, strengthens the protection of users' rights and interests, strengthens supervision and management, and clarifies legal responsibilities, Provide strong support for strengthening information governance of cyber violence. The Regulations clearly stated that the information governance of cyber violence should adhere to the principles of prevention at the source, combination of prevention and control, treatment of both symptoms and root causes, and collaborative governance, establish a supervision and management mechanism for cyber violence information, and encourage relevant industry organizations to strengthen self-discipline in the industry. It is clarified that network information service providers should perform the main responsibility of network information content management, establish and improve the network violence information governance mechanism, perform the obligation of authenticating real identity information, formulate and disclose management rules and platform conventions, sign service agreements with users, and regularly publish network violence information governance announcements. Strengthen the prevention and early warning of online violence information, make it clear that online information service providers should refine the rules of the classification standards of online violence information under the guidance of the national online information department and the relevant departments of the State Council, and establish and improve the database of online violence information characteristics and typical case samples. Specify the information and account disposal system, clarify the obligations of network information service providers to deal with illegal and bad information related to network violence, and the disposal measures for relevant accounts. Establish a user protection mechanism, require the network information service provider to establish and improve the protection function of network violence information, and improve the rules of private information. If users are found to be facing the risk of network violence information, they should prompt users in a timely and significant manner to inform users of the protective measures they can take. Specify the supervision and management responsibilities and legal responsibilities, clarify that the network information department, together with the public security, culture, tourism, radio and television and other relevant departments, shall supervise and inspect the governance of network violence information of network information service providers according to law, establish and improve the working mechanism of information sharing, consultation and notification, evidence collection and investigation, case supervision, and coordinate the governance of network violence information. In addition, it also stipulates the definition of network violence information, exclusion rules, etc. The relevant person in charge of the State Internet Information Office pointed out that the governance of cyber violence information needs the participation of the government, enterprises, society, netizens and other parties to promote the formation of a positive, healthy and upward looking cyber culture and maintain a good cyber ecology. (Source: WeChat official account of "Online China")

Refusing Rumour Today (June 14, 2024)

June 14, 2024 Rumor: Shandong University sends the examinee a "Letter of Agreement for Admission with Reduced Score"? Truth: Recently, an organization or individual sent the so-called "admission agreement with reduced scores" to the examinees in the name of Shandong University, misleading the examinees and their parents, causing adverse effects. In response, on the evening of June 13, the Undergraduate Admissions Office of Shandong University solemnly stated that the university has never sent any examinee the relevant "Score Reduction Agreement", nor has it entrusted any intermediary or individual to carry out any for-profit pre exam counseling, exam training, volunteer filling and other activities It is not the official behavior of the university to recommend students to apply for admission and other businesses through QQ groups. The Undergraduate Admissions Office of Shandong University reminds candidates and their parents to guard against illegal recruitment propaganda in the name of Shandong University, protect personal information and guard against being cheated. (Source: Shandong Internet joint rumor dispelling platform, Shandong University undergraduate enrollment network) Misunderstanding: There is a "↑" arrow on the blood fat test sheet, is it hyperlipemia? Truth: Abnormal blood fat is very easy to cause coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, atherosclerosis and other diseases. After checking blood lipids, many people will care about the up and down arrows on the test sheet. They think that if there is no arrow, everything is normal, and if there is an arrow, there is a problem. This statement is not precise. The normal value range indicated on the blood fat examination report is suitable for healthy people. For people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the reference standard is different from that of healthy people. Especially for patients with "three highs", even if there is no arrow on the test sheet, you can't take it lightly. The high and low arrows on the blood fat test sheet do not all represent abnormal blood fat. For different people, the normal value range is different. Total cholesterol, low point is good, be careful when "↑" appears; Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, low point is good, but the value is not uniform, specific value check risk; High density lipoprotein cholesterol, high point is good, do not worry when "↑" appears. We should analyze our own health level according to our own conditions and specific diseases. Arrows do not necessarily mean abnormalities. Arrows are not normal. (Source: WeChat official account of "Science Refuses Rumors") Tips: "Adoption" new online pyramid selling needs to be vigilant! Details: In recent years, many lawbreakers, under the banner of "rural revitalization" and "helping farmers to increase income", have launched online pyramid selling through the so-called "adoption", which deserves vigilance. For example, recently, the People's Court of Shimian County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province publicly announced a new online pyramid scheme case of "adopt a black pig and get a rebate". The case shows that: spend 5000 yuan to "adopt" a black pig, and then get a rebate every day; If new members are recruited, they can get a "rebate" of 20% of the amount adopted by new members. In addition to "black pig adoption", current online pyramid schemes may also be packaged in the guise of cattle, sheep, chickens and other casings. Such online pyramid schemes under the guise of "black pig adoption" are likely to mislead the public about the country's rural revitalization strategy, which is extremely harmful to society. In fact, these new pyramid schemes have a set of tricks behind them: in the name of "state support", pull up the flag as tiger skin; Exaggerate the real industry to cheat investors; Constantly set "threshold" to delay withdrawal time; Try every means to avoid legal risks, and do everything possible to "wash away" black products. Most participants are well aware of the nature of the activities they participate in, but they tend to take chances and believe that their own benefits will be guaranteed as long as they can reach the top. The mentality of trying to get something for nothing and hoping for "pie in the sky" has given MLM organizations an opportunity to take advantage of. The police specially remind that pyramid schemes are constituted when the number of people involved exceeds 30 and the number of people who go offline exceeds 3. It is illegal to participate in pyramid schemes, and the funds involved in pyramid schemes are not protected by law. The masses should keep in mind that almost all those who demand to pay the "threshold fee", pull people's hair off the production line, and promise to join the association on the production line are pyramid schemes. (Source: "Xinhua Viewpoint" WeChat official account)

The District Science and Technology Department held the second "Branch Secretary (Chief) Forum" in 2024

In order to promote the in-depth and practical learning and education of party discipline and fully demonstrate the effectiveness of the whole department's party members and cadres in learning the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of June 13, the District Science and Technology Department held the second "Branch Secretary (Chief) Forum" in 2024. Bai Zhen, the first level inspector of the Department, attended and served as a judge, and Yu Shuiying, the Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the Working Committee of the District directly under the Central Government, came to guide. On the rostrum, eight speakers exchanged their learning experiences around the origin, general provisions, political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline of the CPC Disciplinary Regulations. The jury, consisting of 10 department level cadres, party members and non party representatives, rated and evaluated the speakers according to nine indicators in four aspects: speech content, language expression, comprehensive impression and on-site effect, and selected Zhang Lin and Yu Zhen as excellent speakers and gave them rewards. Comrade Yu Shuiying commented on the forum and pointed out that the speakers were well prepared, detailed, brilliant, profound and bright, which aroused the audience's resonance and opened a new perspective for cadres and workers to learn the Regulations. Bai Zhen pointed out that: First, to carry out the study and education of Party discipline is an important political task of Party building, an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. The purpose is to promote the in-depth study and thorough understanding of the Regulations, so as to effectively understand and master them. Second, there are many theoretical and conceptual contents in the forum, lacking specific case analysis and understanding of specific work; At the same time, the spokesmen did not play enough on the spot, and the on-site appeal needs to be strengthened. Third, we should continue to expand the scope and influence of such forums, constantly improve theoretical literacy, sublimate consciousness, and enhance ability and ability in deep learning and practice, so as to promote the overall quality of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, and promote scientific and technological work to a new level and achieve new results.