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Bell: Interference in internal affairs and provocation of confrontation are hypocritical and hegemonic

Source: People's Daily
2024-06-21 08:25

Original title: Interference in internal affairs and provocation of confrontation are hypocritical and hegemonic

The Group of Seven should comply with the general trend of world multipolarization, economic globalization and democratization of international relations, earnestly respect the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, abide by international law, do more good for world peace, stability and development, stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, stop closing exclusive "circles", and stir up camp confrontation

"Hypocrisy", "selfishness" and "total separation from the world"... The recent G7 summit ended awkwardly amid protests. The communiqu é issued by the summit claimed that global challenges were met with "solidarity" and "determination", but no effective plan was put forward to maintain world peace and development, while the summit tried hard to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and create division and confrontation. The communique manipulated a series of China related issues and wantonly blackened and attacked China, again exposing that the Group of Seven has become a puppet of the United States, and its actions have seriously damaged global peace, stability and development.

The Group of Seven (G7) has been giving advice to China on issues related to Taiwan, the East China Sea, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet, seriously violating the basic norms of international relations. The most effective way to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is to adhere to the one China principle and oppose "Taiwan independence". The Group of Seven (G7) mentioned that "maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait is indispensable to international security and prosperity", but it did not mention opposition to "Taiwan independence". This is in essence connivance and support for "Taiwan independence" forces, and the result will only have a serious impact on peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. With the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the South China Sea is generally peaceful and stable, and there is no problem with freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The Group of Seven (G7), regardless of facts and black and white, attempts to support the maritime provocations of individual countries and use maritime issues to provoke regional relations, which is creating risks for regional peace and development. The G7 ignored its own human rights abuses and repeatedly intervened in China's internal affairs on issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet under the banner of democracy and human rights, which is a naked double standard.

On the Ukrainian crisis, attempts to dump blame on China cannot solve the problem. The international community can see who is calling for dialogue and fighting for peace, and who is throwing knives and stirring up confrontation. Some countries have left the responsibility of destroying peace and delaying the crisis to other countries, even fabricated lies, and used the crisis as an excuse for wanton sanctions and suppression of other countries, showing hypocrisy and hegemony. China is neither the maker of the Ukrainian crisis nor the party concerned, and has always been committed to promoting peace and talks. China does not provide weapons to belligerents, and has always taken a cautious and responsible attitude in military exports, strictly controlling the export of dual-use items. The normal trade between China and Russia is fair and aboveboard, conforms to WTO rules and market principles, does not target third parties, is not subject to external interference and coercion, and should not become an excuse to discredit and contain China.

In the name of "overcapacity", the United States is trying to attract other members of the Group of Seven to set restrictions on China's new energy products. This runs counter to the trend of the era of openness and win-win results. It will not only damage the welfare of consumers in relevant countries, but also interfere with and destroy the global green transformation. The so-called "overcapacity" hyped by the United States is an excuse for pursuing protectionism and trampling on international economic and trade rules, and a way for the United States to "decouple" and "de risk". Its essence is to politicize and weaponize economic and trade issues. There is no global market for this approach, and most countries in the world do not buy it.

The Group of Seven (G7) countries obeyed the "family law and gang rules" of the United States to undermine the international order in the name of maintaining the so-called "rule-based international order". We should pour oil into the fire on the Ukrainian crisis and strengthen unilateral sanctions; To stir up trouble in the Asia Pacific and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries; Then on the issue of nuclear arms control, the Group of Seven is always talking about "democracy" and "rule-based international order". In fact, it is drawing lines with ideology and values, attempting to engage in "small circles" and group politics, and provoking camp confrontation. The so-called "rule-based international order" serves the vested interests of a few countries, not the common interests of the international community. There is only one system in the world, that is, the international system with the United Nations at its core; There is only one order, that is, an international order based on international law; There is only one set of rules, namely, the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. Any practice of acting on its own and adopting a different approach is against the general trend of history and international morality.

The world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. Global challenges are emerging one after another. What the world needs most is cooperation. The Group of Seven should comply with the general trend of world multipolarization, economic globalization and democratization of international relations, earnestly respect the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, abide by international law, do more good for world peace, stability and development, stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, stop closing exclusive "circles" and inciting confrontation.

Editor in charge: Zhang Weining

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