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Sun Xingyang: Resolving disputes among common people like a bosom friend

Source: Legal Daily
2024-06-16 10:39

Original title:

Sun Xingyang: Resolving disputes among common people like a bosom friend

Law Daily reporter Rosa Shawen/photo correspondent Luo Naiyang Cheng Yao

"Director Sun, do you still remember me? This call is specially for thanking you." On April 17, Sun Xingyang, director of Sanzhuang Legal Service Office in Siyang County, Jiangsu Province, received a call from a foreign number, and a female voice with a slight accent repeatedly said thank you words on the phone.

It turned out that Huang married to Siyang from his hometown in Hunan more than ten years ago and had a son with her husband Feng. However, when the child was almost two years old, when Feng was working abroad, he died of an accident due to an industrial injury, and the family suddenly lost its financial resources. To make matters worse, Feng's compensation for work-related injuries was all taken away by the child's uncle, but Huang's repeated demands were fruitless. In desperation, Huang came to Sanzhuang Legal Service Office with his child in his arms and found Sun Xingyang. Sun Xingyang accepted the entrustment of Mr. Huang after knowing the situation in detail, and finally made the defendant pay 60000 yuan through the lawsuit. At the same time, the defendant also said that due to his financial stress, the remaining amount would be paid off at the end of the next year.

Huang returned to his hometown in Hunan with his children, but by the end of the following year, the defendant did not pay off the remaining amount as agreed. When Sun Xingyang learned this, he found the defendant again to coordinate and deal with it, and repeatedly explained the law and reason with the defendant's wife, father and other family members, patiently persuading them. Finally, the defendant promised to pay the remaining amount to Mr. Huang through Sun Xingyang. In this way, this payment lasted for 4 years, and the defendant finally paid off all the arrears of Mr. Huang.

Sun Xingyang (second from the right) popularized the law for the masses.

Sun Xingyang has actively performed his legal aid duties since he was engaged in legal services at the grass-roots level for 28 years. He has conscientiously handled each assigned legal aid case, and handled more than 30 legal aid cases annually. In 2024, Sun Xingyang was recognized by the Ministry of Justice as "an advanced individual in national legal aid work".

"Director Sun, it seems that the New Year is coming, but he hasn't got any salary and the boss has disappeared, so I can't explain to everyone." On January 6, 2022, Uncle Chen came to Sanzhuang Legal Service Station with anxiety and told Sun Xingyang about his dilemma.

It turned out that in May 2021, Uncle Chen took 37 villagers to undertake the work of planting green seedlings. At that time, the boss promised to pay immediately after completion. But the boss broke his promise and refused to pay more than 60000 yuan in arrears. As the end of the year approached, the boss unexpectedly lost contact. After taking over the case, Sun Xingyang said nothing and immediately took action to collect evidence from various parties and carefully confirm the specific amount of salary arrears. At the same time, he actively contacted the engineering boss, hoping to urge both parties to reach a mediation before the lawsuit, but the boss was stubborn.

In the face of this situation, Sun Xingyang did not flinch. He prepared litigation materials overnight and prepared for responding to the lawsuit. In the trial, in the face of sufficient evidence, the defendant could no longer cheat, and finally agreed to pay the migrant workers' wages in arrears in court.

Sun Xingyang is on duty at the window.

Since 2018, Sun Xingyang has played his professional expertise and served as the legal adviser of Tuanjie Village and Fumiao Village in Sanzhuang Town. He actively carried out legal publicity activities, held lectures on the rule of law, and provided legal advice and legal aid to villagers.

When dealing with disputes involving villagers' rights and interests, Sun Xingyang always adheres to the principle of fairness and justice, uses his rich professional knowledge and experience, actively coordinates the forces of all parties, and tries to resolve conflicts. In addition, he also actively participated in the important meetings of the "two committees" of the village branch, "felt the pulse and diagnosed" the major contracts in the village, and earnestly safeguarded the collective interests of the village. Over the past five years, more than 110 lectures on the rule of law have been held, providing more than 500 legal advisory services for villagers, and saving nearly 500000 yuan of economic losses for the village collective.

In the eyes of the masses, Sun Xingyang is like a timely rain. No matter where or when a dispute occurs, he can always arrive at the scene at the first time to quickly settle the dispute. He is also like a skillful craftsman, who skillfully solves the problems of the masses by virtue of wisdom and experience, and earnestly protects the interests of the masses. At the same time, like an old friend, he listened patiently to the demands of the people and channeled their emotions with sincerity and true feelings.

Over the past 28 years, Sun Xingyang has always adhered to the working principle of combining law, reason and emotion, and successfully resolved many people's conflicts and legal difficulties. In order to gather more strength, in December 2021, Sun Xingyang led the establishment of the "Sun Xingyang Mediation Studio", which attracted a number of local "law savvy people", retired cadres, "local sages" representatives, etc., with the aim of providing grass-roots services such as conflict resolution, law popularization and publicity, and legal advice.

In December 2023, in a neighborhood dispute, the two people had a fierce dispute over land border issues. One side believes that the other side has occupied its own land, while the other side firmly denies that the incident has escalated and nearly staged a "full military practice". Sun Xingyang Mediation Studio immediately intervened after learning the situation. Sun Xingyang and the members of the studio got to know the ins and outs of the matter, carefully examined the relevant land documents and materials, visited local people and cadres, and measured the land on the spot. According to the survey results, Sun Xingyang and his colleagues patiently did the ideological work of the two men, explained the relevant situation of the survey, explained the law and reasoned, and appealed to reason and emotion. After many times of patient mediation, the two families re measured the land, demarcated the border and reached a settlement.

Up to now, Sun Xingyang Mediation Studio has successfully resolved more than 240 conflicts and disputes with its sincere service concept for the people and fair and just attitude, and has solved many disputes and problems for the local people, winning unanimous praise.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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