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Workers with work-related injuries in Urumqi can enjoy settlement in other places in 398 institutions nationwide

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-06-16 09:01

Original title: Workers with work-related injuries in Urumqi can enjoy settlement in other places in 398 institutions nationwide

Worker's Daily - reporter Wu Duosi of China Industrial Network Correspondent Jing Shuangshan

"Thousands of kilometers away, I didn't expect that the industrial injury treatment in Urumqi could also be directly reimbursed, which solved my worries about living here for a long time." Ms. Wang, an industrial injury worker in Hebi City, Henan Province, said that the medical treatment for industrial injuries in different places could be directly settled, which solved her problem.

Recently, Ms. Wang has been discharged from the Third People's Hospital of the Autonomous Region after the treatment of work-related injuries. When discharged from the hospital, the social security card is used for direct settlement, and the reimbursement is completed immediately. You don't need to put money on your own and then go back to Hebi City for reimbursement.

Ms. Wang is an injured worker in Hebi City. Since her daughter works and lives in Urumqi, she also came to Urumqi to live for a long time after retirement. Previously, she and her daughter had been worried about the inconvenience of getting medical treatment in Urumqi. After arriving in Urumqi, after consultation, we applied for the off-site registration of work-related injuries through the "electronic social security card" online. After successful registration, we began to enjoy the convenience of direct settlement of work-related injuries for off-site medical treatment.

The reporter learned from the Urumqi Social Insurance Center that carrying out the pilot project of direct settlement for cross provincial and cross regional medical treatment of work-related injury insurance is an important measure to promote cross provincial and cross provincial government services and effectively solve the problems of "high medical advance, reimbursement and round-trip" for cross provincial and cross regional medical treatment of work-related injury workers, which helps to better protect the rights and interests of work-related injury workers. During the pilot period, workers with work-related injuries who have participated in work-related injury insurance and have completed work-related injury identification, old injury recurrence confirmation, work-related injury rehabilitation confirmation or auxiliary equipment configuration confirmation for long-term residence in different places, permanent work in different places, and transfer to hospital for work-related injuries in different places can directly settle the medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses, and auxiliary equipment configuration expenses for work-related injuries in cross province and different places with the social security card after filing as required, Workers with work-related injuries who enjoy the pilot policy do not need to advance money first, nor do they have to run back and forth in the insured areas and medical places, realizing "more data and less people."

Since April 1 this year, Urumqi has started the pilot work of direct settlement for cross provincial and cross regional medical treatment of industrial injury insurance. During the pilot period, the injured workers who have participated in the industrial injury insurance and have completed the confirmation of industrial injury, old injury recurrence, industrial injury rehabilitation or auxiliary equipment configuration can hold the social security card in 398 medical institutions, rehabilitation institutions The auxiliary appliance allocation institution directly settles the medical expenses, rehabilitation expenses and auxiliary appliance allocation expenses for work-related injuries in hospitals across provinces and other places. Workers with work-related injuries who enjoy the pilot policy do not need to advance funds first, nor do they have to run back and forth between the insured and the medical places.

Editor in charge: Zheng Xin

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