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Expand the functions of county level special poverty personnel support service institutions and increase village level elderly care service points

Source: People's Daily
2024-06-16 09:28

Original title: Expanding the functions of county-level special poverty personnel support service institutions (quotation)

Add village level elderly care service points (theme)

People's Daily, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Li Changyu) Recently, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, together with 21 departments including the Central Office of Spiritual Civilization Construction and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Rural Elderly Care Services.

The opinion is clear that by 2025, the rural elderly care service network will be further improved, each county (city, district, banner) will have at least one county-level special poverty relief service institution focusing on disability care, the service coverage rate of the overall township (street) regional elderly care service center in the province will not be less than 60%, the mutual aid elderly care will continue to be promoted according to local conditions, disability care, combination of medical care and health care, meal aid The outstanding service needs such as visiting care, learning and entertainment have been effectively met. After a period of effort, the rural elderly care service system that is coordinated in the county, urban and rural areas, and in line with the local conditions has become more perfect, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security of rural elderly people has continued to improve.

The opinions require that we should strengthen the construction of the rural elderly care service network, expand the functions of the county level elderly care service institutions, promote the construction of township (street) regional elderly care service centers, increase village level elderly care service points, and guide and improve the resource use efficiency of the county level elderly care institutions. We should improve the quality of rural elderly care services, strengthen service safety supervision, promote the combination of medical care, health care and rehabilitation, and improve the level of elderly care services in relocation resettlement sites. We should improve the working mechanism of rural elderly care services, give play to the role of rural grass-roots party organizations, stimulate the village collectives and villagers to develop the endogenous power of elderly care services, and guide social forces to actively participate. It is necessary to strengthen the support and guarantee of rural elderly care services, reasonably plan and build service facilities, establish and improve a diversified investment mechanism, improve the efficiency of service resource utilization, strengthen the ability of rural elderly care security, and improve the accessibility of rural elderly care services.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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