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Beijing Tianjin Hebei Minors Cooperative Protection Expands New Path

Source: Legal Daily
2024-06-16 09:20

Original title: New path for coordinated protection of minors in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei

Legal Daily reporter Xu Weilun

"Based on the analysis of cases heard in the past two years, problems such as lack of family guardianship, improper upbringing, campus bullying, and Internet addiction have become prominent. New types of cases, new situations, and new problems continue to emerge, which urgently need the participation of the whole society to form a joint force for comprehensive protection of minors." Recently, the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing, the Third Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin The Intermediate People's Court of Xiong'an New Area, Hebei, jointly held a press conference on the protection of minors in Beijing to "build a future through coordinated development", signed relevant memoranda, built a judicial practice platform for the coordinated development of the protection of minors in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and promoted the governance of litigation sources and diversified mediation related to the coordinated development of the protection of minors in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei coordinated development strategy and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the People's Court's juvenile court. At the press conference, Wang Haihong, Vice President of the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing, introduced that the protection of minors and crime prevention are the basic, headstream and fundamental work of social governance, and are related to the future of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation. In February 2018, the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing officially established a comprehensive tribunal for juvenile cases, which has now fully accepted criminal, civil In administrative cases, "three trials in one" is realized.

Guarding the "juvenile you" with the hand of justice, we should not only "grasp the front end", but also "cure the disease". In this regard, the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing has created a special brand of "legal child care", and strengthened cooperation with the Women's Federation, the Education Commission, the public security organs and other units to create a multi-dimensional innovative model of juvenile protection. At the same time, focusing on the prominent issues of minors' protection reflected in the case, the Court carried out investigation and research on similar cases, dug deep into the root of the problem, sent a number of judicial suggestions in the fields of campus security, network protection, etc., and promoted strengthening the safety maintenance, operation and management code of conduct of places where minors often come and go.

"The Third Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin has set up a family law popularization team and a worry relief judge studio to carry out regular activities on campus and in the community." Yin Yuanqing, vice president of the Third Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin, said that in daily work, the Court gave full play to the role of the family education order, binding and punishing the guardians who "raised but not taught, and left behind" in accordance with the law, Urge the parents of minors to assume family responsibilities and give positive education, so that minors can grow up healthily in a harmonious family environment, pay attention to the return visit after the case is judged, timely master the implementation of the judgment documents, the implementation of family education orders and the emotional repair of the parties, and timely understand the psychological and living conditions of minors through return visits for cases involving domestic violence and upbringing, Efforts should be made to reduce the damage suffered by minors due to family conflicts.

In September 2023, Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, which was built with the assistance of Beijing, will start its new year. Beijing's high-quality educational resources will take root in Xiong'an. At the beginning of the new semester this year, the students of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School embarked on a new journey. After the flag raising ceremony, Li Jingjing, Vice President of the Intermediate People's Court of Xiong'an New Area, Hebei Province, accepted the letter of appointment from Song Shasha, Vice President of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, and was officially employed as the Vice President of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School for Law, with the goal of "protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful home together" The ecological protection common law class was launched. During the interactive question session, the students raised their hands and spoke enthusiastically, and said that they would start from themselves, from every little thing, and strive to be the little guards of protecting the ecological environment.

Li Jingjing said that in recent years, Xiong'an two level courts have set up juvenile trial courts, determined a working mechanism in which special persons are responsible for, contact with and direct command from competent leaders, gave full play to the spillover effect of trial work, formulated and issued judicial suggestions, created a publicity brand of "Xiong Fa Jian Jiao", and brought more than 40 lively rule of law classes to tens of thousands of teachers and students in more than 20 schools under their jurisdiction, Steadily move forward to the full coverage of law popularization, and at the same time, pay attention to the source control, close the linkage between the government, colleges and universities, and weave a dense and strong protective network for minors.

After the press conference, the Intermediate People's Court of Beijing Tianjin Hebei jointly signed a memorandum of cooperation on the coordinated development and co construction of the protection of minors in the service guarantee "Beijing Tianjin Hebei integration", and issued letters of appointment for the expert representatives of the members of the shared expert database. The head of the court jointly issued the Joint Proposal on the Protection of Minors, calling on all sectors of society to work together to protect the healthy growth of minors, By strengthening family education and school education, improving government supervision, purifying the network environment, strengthening judicial protection and other work, create a good environment for the growth of minors.

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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