Zhonggong Entertainment

In 2024, the "New Silk Road on the Track" China Europe Train (Chongqing) Skills Competition will be launched

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-13 16:20

On June 13, the kick-off meeting of the 2024 China Europe Train (Chongqing) Technical Competition, co sponsored by Chongqing Federation of Trade Unions and All China Railway Federation of Trade Unions, and organized by Chongqing Communications Construction Trade Union Committee and China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Corporation, was held at Chongqing Central Station of Chongqing Railway Port. From now on to October, more than 5200 employees from Chongqing Customs, China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd., China Railway Union International Container Co., Ltd. and other relevant units of China Europe Express (Chongqing) will participate in this skill competition.

The theme of this skill contest is "to run a good China Europe train to serve the 'Belt and Road'". The purpose of this skill contest is to stimulate the innovation and creativity of employees, further improve the operation efficiency and service quality of China Europe train (Chongqing), and contribute to the joint construction of the "Belt and Road".


On June 13, the kick-off meeting of the 2024 China Europe Train (Chongqing) Skills Competition was held at Chongqing Central Station of Chongqing Railway Port. The picture shows the site of the kick-off meeting. Photographed by Li Jun

The reporter learned that the planning and organization of the competition followed the principle of "high technical content, many employees, and related to the operation of China Europe Express", and set up three competition groups, namely, railway group, customs group, and platform company group, covering 20 types of work (posts) in the fields of railway, customs, logistics, etc. The competition is conducted by combining theoretical examination with practical operation. The theoretical examination includes three parts: professional ethics, basic knowledge and professional knowledge, while the practical operation is closely related to the daily work content of each type of work to ensure the practicability and pertinence of the competition.

It is reported that as an important part of Chongqing's efforts to build an open channel, the China Europe Express has run nearly 16000 trains since its departure, with 51 stable lines, 113 city nodes in nearly 40 countries and regions, 1.3 million TEUs of goods shipped and more than 530 billion yuan in value.

It is understood that the holding of this skill contest not only demonstrates the operation results of China Europe Express (Chongqing), but also is a comprehensive test and improvement of the skill level of the vast number of employees. It will further polish the card of "the new Silk Road on the track", stimulate the creative enthusiasm of the vast number of employees, and contribute to the construction of the "Belt and Road".

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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