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The food is delicious, and the standard room... the "driver's home" here is the "home"

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-13 11:26

"This place is very warm. We also have a place to rest on the road. We don't have to worry about finding a place to rest any more. The labor union really cares for our drivers." On June 12, at the "Home of Drivers" of Deping Inspection Station in Wanggaopu Town, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, the freight driver Cheng Huiming said.

It is reported that since this year, the Pingyuan County Federation of Trade Unions has focused on the actual needs of the freight driver group, and explored a new path of caring for freight drivers by building a standardized and standardized "driver's home".

In practice, the Pingyuan County Federation of Trade Unions, with the purpose of "labor union led construction, department assisted construction, and agreement co construction", cooperated with the county traffic management department, Pingyuan China Petroleum Corporation and other relevant departments and units to comprehensively master the base number of freight drivers through research, standardized the construction of six gas station type "driver's homes" on the trunk lines of national and provincial highways, and standardized the construction of one stock "driver's home" Improve and upgrade, build a new comprehensive "driver's home", provide a package of service projects for freight drivers, including rest and leisure, catering and accommodation, toilet laundry, culture and education, cultural and sports activities, and form a freight driver service network system of "love station", driver's home, and staff's home "meeting, station, home".

At the same time, the County Federation of Trade Unions has played a good role in the publicity function of "Driver's Home", and set up billboards at the door of each "Driver's Home", including "Procedures for Freight Drivers to Scan Codes to Join the Labor Union" and "Ten Benefits for Workers to Join the Labor Union". Drivers can join the Association by scanning codes.

It is worth mentioning that the County Federation of Trade Unions has also jointly built a "driver's home" with Pingyuan Petroleum Company. According to the requirements of joint construction, Pingyuan Petroleum Company will provide value-added services in terms of reasonable setting of special cargo parking spaces, provision of rest, catering, shower, emergency rescue, preferential refueling, etc. For example, provide one yuan food, one yuan accommodation and other intimate services, and send care to the driver's heart.

In addition, the County Federation of Trade Unions meticulously planned and organized a series of activities to care for freight drivers. This year, more than 160 representatives of freight drivers were presented with the membership gift package, and the county traffic police team was invited to explain road traffic safety knowledge to the freight drivers; Invite professional lawyers to give legal lectures to enhance the legal awareness of freight drivers and improve their self-protection ability; Organize free health examination and psychological consultation activities, and provide free health examination and psychological consultation services for freight drivers. (Wang Lele, Feng Song, Ge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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