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Huimin County, Binzhou City: 26 "Labor Union Posts" for warm outdoor workers

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-13 10:27

"In the past, our delivery staff did not have a fixed place to eat and rest, which was very inconvenient. But since the establishment of this labor union post station, we have become regular visitors here. It is convenient to have a rest, warm meals, and recharge." On June 12, Zhao Fei, the delivery boy, said in a labor union post station in Huimin County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province.

At present, in Huimin County, there are many trade union stations with trade union emblem, such as independent cabins, bank outlets, shopping malls, supermarkets, express logistics, construction sites, etc. These labor union post stations provide outdoor workers, such as couriers, takeaway deliverymen, sanitation workers, truck drivers, traffic police, with services such as rest, hot meals, charging, shelter from rain, and reading books. Up to now, Huimin County Federation of Trade Unions has built 26 trade union posts, serving 100000 outdoor workers.


The picture shows the activity scene of Huimin County Federation of Trade Unions' condolence to outdoor workers in a trade union post station in Huimin County a few days ago. Drawing provided by Huimin County Federation of Trade Unions

It is reported that Huimin County Federation of Trade Unions carried out consolation activities such as sending warmth in winter and cool in summer through the trade union post station to send cool gift bags and warm winter supplies to the vast number of outdoor workers to enhance their sense of happiness. At the same time, in combination with the sanitation workers' day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival and other festivals, each post station also carried out characteristic care activities to send "mother family" care to the vast number of outdoor workers.

The trade union post station not only provides convenience services, but also sets up bulletin boards, message boards, newspaper racks to popularize trade union knowledge and listen to the opinions of workers and masses; On the National Security Education Day for All, the Constitution Day and other law popularization days, we will focus on carrying out legal publicity activities to improve the legal awareness of employees; Regularly carry out public welfare physical examination, screening for "two cancers" of female employees, mental health education and other activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees and improve their quality of life.

The relevant person in charge of Huimin County Federation of Trade Unions said that in the future, on the basis of expanding the coverage of trade union posts, more social resources will be integrated, so that the trade union posts will become a new window for trade union extension services, a new front for various activities, and show the strength of trade unions and urban temperature. (Song Xiao, Ge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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