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Shandong: Stipulate the conditions for reaching the standard of running a technical college in the province

Source: China Industrial Network
2024-06-12 09:23

A few days ago, five departments including Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Shandong Provincial Department of Education jointly issued the Implementation Plan of Shandong Technical Colleges' School Running Condition Compliance Project (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), to accelerate the improvement of the school running conditions of the provincial technical colleges and improve the quality of technical education.

The Plan proposes that, through scientific planning and reasonable adjustment, we should continue to increase the policy and input supply at the provincial, municipal and county levels, further optimize the layout and structure of technical colleges, significantly improve the conditions for running schools, improve the overall level of teaching staff, and further enhance the quality, adaptability and attractiveness of technical education; Taking into account the development trend of local technician education, population size and school running scale, optimize the layout structure, scientifically prepare the work plan for reaching the standard, implement one case per place, one school, one policy by category, promote step by step, and strengthen incentive assessment.


The picture shows the classroom of a technical school in Shandong Province. Picture provided by Shandong Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department

The Plan points out that, in combination with the needs of regional economic and social development, all levels should make overall plans for the educational resources of technical colleges in the region, and optimize the layout of technical colleges in the form of merger, collectivization and termination. For a technical college that has not enrolled students for three consecutive years and has no actual school premises, the school should terminate its education. The school that terminates its education should promptly close its account in the student registration system, no longer include it in the annual report statistics, and cancel its organization in real time; The schools with poor school running quality, social disapproval and serious substandard indicators shall be merged or terminated according to law; For schools that plan to run schools in groups, promote the substantial co construction and sharing of campus, school buildings, teachers, instruments and equipment, and assess the school running conditions as a whole.

The Plan clearly states that each city is inclined to technical colleges when formulating educational land use plans, vigorously strengthen the infrastructure construction of technical colleges on the premise that the land use indicators meet the standards, simplify the approval procedures for new construction or reconstruction and expansion projects of technical colleges as required, and support technical colleges to make up the land and school building gaps as soon as possible and solve the problems left over by history; For the campus land occupation and school buildings of technical colleges and universities, the independent property rights of the colleges and universities should not be less than 30%, and the insufficient part can be supplemented by the independent use of non property rights. The use of the supplemented independent use of non property rights should be relatively stable, and the use period should not be less than three years, which should be guaranteed by means of agreement or supplementary agreement, and should be reviewed and filed with the local government authorities.

The Plan emphasizes that the teacher allocation of technical schools should be strengthened. The ratio of teachers and students in technical schools and senior technical schools should not be less than 1:20, the ratio of teachers and students in technical colleges should not be less than 1:18, and the number of part-time teachers in various technical schools should not exceed 1/3 of the total number of teachers. At the same time, we will implement the autonomy of technical colleges in selecting and employing personnel. In terms of teacher recruitment, teacher treatment, professional title evaluation and employment, we will allow schools to set up posts independently, determine employment plans, and determine recruitment standards, content, and procedures independently. (Yu Jinge Hongpu)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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