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Jilin Provincial Federation of Trade Unions cultivates a large contingent of high-quality industrial workers to help high-quality economic development

Source: Worker Daily Client
2024-02-28 18:59

Original title: Jilin Province cultivates a large army of high-quality industrial workers to help high-quality economic development

Worker's Daily - reporter Peng Bingliu Shanshan of China Industrial Network

On February 27, the reporter learned from the second plenary meeting of the 15th Committee of Jilin Provincial Federation of Trade Unions that in 2023, the provincial trade unions will closely follow the needs of workers to grow and become talents, deeply promote the whole cycle of staff skills improvement training system, and provide continuous talent momentum for the province's economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development.

Focusing on the cultivation of high-quality skilled talents who can meet the important task of modernization construction, with the theme of "providing support for Jilin's high-quality development and sustainable revitalization", the Jilin Provincial Government and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions held a joint meeting to clearly support the "three spirits" into the campus and classroom, comprehensively carry out staff labor and skill competitions, and run Jilin Craftsman College well, Promote the construction and reform of industrial workers to improve efficiency.

In 2023, trade unions at all levels in Jilin Province will continue to deepen demonstration labor and skill competitions, and various competitions will cover 8732 enterprises and institutions with 610000 person times. Among them, the second Jilin Provincial Workers' Vocational Skills Competition launched 20 provincial first class and 23 provincial second class skills competition projects, opened new career and new field tracks such as new energy exploration, carbon fiber carbonization, robot operation and maintenance, and live broadcast sales, with more than 10000 employees participating in the competition. The 4th National Machinery Industry Team Leader Management Skills Competition jointly hosted by Jilin Provincial General Manager and relevant units attracted nearly 60000 team leaders from more than 1000 enterprises across the country to sign up for the competition. More than 10000 team leaders from across the province participated in the competition and won several special awards and first prizes.

Focusing on the strategic layout of Jilin's modern industrial system, Jilin Province has integrated government departments, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, industry associations and leading enterprises, and innovatively built six industrial craftsmanship colleges of new energy, new tourism, new agriculture, new e-commerce, new materials and new equipment. At the same time, we continued to play the role of Jilin lean craftsman demonstration and cultivation base and Jilin vocational skill contest demonstration and training base, and 90 training bases in provinces, cities and counties trained 130000 employees in total. In addition, the innovative "Learning to Realize Your Dream" has funded 27000 front-line workers to improve their educational level and skill level.

Focusing on promoting the all-round revitalization of the Northeast and taking the lead in achieving the new breakthrough strategic goal, in 2023, the General Manager of Jilin Province also held the "Jilin Trip of Great Power Craftsmen" and the first staff innovation achievements exchange (trade) conference in Jilin Province, inviting 30 great power craftsmen and 11 model craftsmen representatives from six cooperative provinces to focus on tackling 157 technical problems in enterprises, and 30 labor education classes on campus, The number of people watching the two live broadcasts reached 829000, and the number of micro videos read exceeded one million. The developed employee innovation achievements transformation platform selected 100 outstanding achievements, effectively stimulating the innovation and creativity of employees.

In 2024, Jilin Provincial Federation will further enrich and expand the whole cycle staff skill improvement training system, improve the industrial workers' echelon cultivation, skill improvement, incentive evaluation mechanism, and accelerate the building of knowledge-based Skilled and innovative industrial workers.

Editor in charge: Du Yawen

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