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Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Labor Union | Hainan Labor Union: "Leader" demonstration drives the continuous deepening of "industrial reform"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-12-10 07:23

[Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union]

Original title: Hainan Labor Union Anchors Local Leading Industry and Future Industry to Build Skill Troop (Introduction)

"Leading sheep" demonstration drives the continuous deepening of "industrial reform" (theme)

CAMCE News (Workers Daily - CAMCE reporter Lai Shuwen) "It is our top priority to combine the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union with specific work and promote the implementation of the work to achieve results." Yan Xijun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Hainan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, said recently. Trade unions at all levels in Hainan have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, constantly deepened the reform of the construction of industrial workers, and provided skilled personnel support for the high-quality development of Hainan Free Trade Port.

In recent years, the Hainan Federation of Trade Unions has anchored the strategic framework of "one book, three bases, four beams and eight pillars", focused on four leading industries and three future industries, and promoted the reform of industrial workforce construction with a high sense of responsibility and mission.

The General Manager of Hainan Province recently proposed that there should be no less than 400 pilot enterprises implementing "industrial reform" in the province in the next five years. It is necessary to focus on the central work of the provincial party committee and government, highlight the leading industries such as tourism, modern services, high and new technology, and efficient agriculture with tropical characteristics, and give full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises such as industry leaders and chain leader enterprises.

For example, for the province's leading industry tourism, in the Qiongnan tourism circle with rich tourism resources, such as Sanya and Lingshui, around the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry, focusing on the integrated development of tourism, the promotion of major tourism projects, integrity management, management innovation, service improvement and other important aspects related to the improvement of tourism quality and efficiency, the pilot project of "industrial reform" was carried out to actively explore the path of tourism development Establish an industrial labor and skills competition system, improve the skills training system of the tourism industry, and build a tourism craftsmanship college to promote the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry. In Qiongzhong, Wuzhi Mountain and other central regions, focus on the development orientation of eco-tourism, cultural tourism, health tourism, characteristic tourism and other tourism, actively explore the cultivation of local culture communication talents and Lijin technical talents, expand the influence and popularity of local characteristic tourism, and help rural revitalization and farmers' income increase.

According to statistics, this year, Hainan's trade unions at all levels carefully cultivated and strictly selected 260 innovative studios for model workers and artisans, with a cumulative investment of 10.3 million yuan to support the innovative development of innovative studios. Trade unions at all levels have successively invested 1.6565 million yuan to support 18 employee innovation projects and help the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.

In addition, trade unions at all levels in Hainan will actively explore the exchange and cooperation mechanism of the innovation studio, promote cross regional and cross industry exchanges and interactions among members of the innovation studio, build a larger and more precise exchange and cooperation platform for model workers and workers, and realize resource sharing, complementary advantages, and common development.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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