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Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union | Henan Trade Union

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-12-06 07:30

[Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union]

Original title: Henan Trade Union finds the right starting point in close proximity to the staff and workers, and calls for the "work" brand with practical achievements - (quotation)

Thought electrified work oiled service warmed the heart (theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter Yu Jiaxi of China Industrial Network Correspondent Wang Jianing and Ge Huijun

On the morning of December 4, Xu Dandan, a bus driver, drove the first "Baofeng County Model Worker" bus out of the newly launched "Model Worker Bus Station" at Meiyuan Road Bus Hub in Pingdingshan City, Henan Province. The first county-level "model worker" bus in Pingdingshan City passes through 12 stations, such as Pingmei Central Station and Workers' Cultural Palace. The spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union is publicized inside and outside the carriage and on the "model worker bus platform" along the way.

In Henan, the trade unions at all levels in the province combine the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union with the actual situation and the main responsibility, find the right starting point in close proximity to the workers, firmly and forcefully lead the ideological and political leadership of the workers, and take the initiative in uniting the workers to make contributions, improve quality and innovate, In terms of improving the quality of life of employees, we have devoted ourselves deeply and kept on walking, leading Henan's labor movement cause and trade union work to constantly achieve new achievements and write a new chapter.

Strengthen the ideological and political guidance and condense the strength of "industry"

"This kind of preaching is both groundbreaking and inspiring, which has benefited our front-line workers." On November 16, the activity of preaching the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union of Henan Federation of Trade Unions into the grassroots was held in Tangyin County, Anyang City.

Sincere and enthusiastic preaching, inspiring stories, and bursts of applause -- Since more than a month ago, the Henan Federation has continued to carry out the activities of preaching the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to the grass-roots level, including Li Shuancheng, secretary of the Party Group and executive vice chairman of the Henan Federation of Trade Unions, who went to workshops, colleges and universities Go to the grassroots level, deliver the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to the workers and staff, and make the front line of labor become the "ideological and political classroom" to strengthen the ideological and political guidance of workers.

From carrying out publicity and education activities on the theme of "China Dream · Labor Beauty" to more than 5.6 million employees participating in provincial demonstration cultural activities; From building a group of exemplary patriotism education bases for workers, to widely carrying out the "10000 lectures on the Party's innovative theory at the grass-roots level" and "model workers and craftsmen into the campus" propaganda activities... Henan Trade Union earnestly fulfills its political responsibility to unite and guide workers to listen to the Party's words and follow the Party, comprehensively strengthen the ideological and political work of workers, and promote the internalization of socialist core values, Let the belief of "listening to the Party and following the Party" infiltrate the hearts of employees.

Entering the Henan Provincial Labor Movement History Museum, sections of fresh history came: "the spirit of February 7th", "the spirit of Jiao Yulu" and "the spirit of the Red Flag Canal" were presented by means of rich material objects and modern scientific and technological means, so that employees were immersed in sections of surging labor movement history, lingering.

In order to make the ideological and political guidance work of the staff more lively, activate and extend the "nerve endings" of the ideological and political guidance of the trade union organization, Henan trade union further strengthened the protection, excavation, publicity and utilization of the resources of the red labor movement cause. With theme publicity as the carrier, cultural innovation as the link, and position construction as the starting point, the "work" theme publicity and education positions have sprung up like mushrooms, Staff patriotism education bases such as the Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall, Luoyang Labor Movement History Hall, Zhongyuan Oilfield Exhibition Hall, and Xidajing 1919 Mining Area are crowded. More and more tourists take the initiative to enter the education base, accept the baptism of red culture and inherit the red gene.

Create a "skilled Henan army" and cultivate ingenuity

Bus driving technology, fruit tree management, electric welding technology, road mechanization operation... On November 30, the Anyang Neihuang County Federation of Trade Unions held wonderful skill competitions with enterprises and institutions.

"The competition provides a platform for me to show myself and also lets me see the gap between myself and other 'experts' by exchanging skills and experiences," said Gao Hongwei, a contestant and bus driver.

In order to promote "workers" to become "craftsmen", Henan Trade Union focused on the goals and tasks set at the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, and around the work requirements of "political guarantee, institutional implementation, quality improvement, and rights and interests protection", actively promoted the reform of industrial workers' team construction, and organized and mobilized workers to create the brand of "model workers shining in the Central Plains", It has formed a "one game chess" working pattern of "trade union leading, up and down linkage, and common promotion", planted ingenuity soil, and led a large number of high-quality talents on the path of becoming skilled talents and serving the country with skills.

In order to strengthen the cultivation of application-oriented and skilled talents, Henan trade unions at all levels selected 14000 craftsmen with various skills and virtues at all levels, jointly built 6882 innovation studios for model workers and craftsman talents, led the vast number of workers to practice skills, innovate and create benefits, promoted the construction of 28 various craftsman colleges at all levels, and built a vertically and horizontally intertwined and echelon interactive craftsman talent training system, Make "Skilled Yujun" more brand effective.

Warm and considerate, polishing the service brand

"Running on the road all day long, this guarantee gives us the sense of security we need most. The trade union is the most reliable 'family' and 'backer' for the workers!" On November 16, Anyang Federation of Trade Unions and Anyang New Business Trade Union Federation of Henan Province presented 2000 workers with medical mutual assistance guarantee. "Are you hungry?" said Li Chengle, a delivery clerk.

In Henan, trade union organizations at all levels have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of China's Trade Unions, focused on their main responsibilities, made their service functions practical and detailed, focused on the implementation of the "five major actions", highlighted the "ten practical things" as the starting point, practically solved the practical problems most concerned by employees, and moved, warmed and won employees with practical results.

Continuously and regularly carry out warmth sending activities, provide 37700 new Henan truck drivers with accidental injury insurance, provide 27900 new employment workers with free physical examination, and 11500 outdoor worker stations cover more than 8.4 million outdoor workers

How to let employees have "good salary" and help enterprises "control costs"? Henan Province has always taken the action of "centralized offer" as a way to solve the problem, and has cooperated with multiple departments to carry out the action of "centralized offer" of collective negotiation in 2023 to solve the maximum common denominator of harmonious labor relations.

The trade union organizations in various parts of Henan province, in line with local conditions, innovatively promote the establishment and improvement of the collective negotiation system for various enterprises, especially new business platform enterprises: the Anyang Federation of Trade Unions promotes the "seven one" collective negotiation work model; Hebi Federation of Trade Unions carried out the selection of outstanding collective negotiation cases in all counties and districts; The Zhumadian Federation of Trade Unions summarized and promoted the opinion collection method of "asking for needs, talking about ideas, and re investigating", and the "three solutions" working method of "resolving cognition, solving doubts, and solving problems"... vigorously promoted the collective negotiation of energy level wages, improved the remuneration of front-line workers, and created the most beautiful "concentric circle" with the masses of workers.

In order to further sink the service resources, Henan Federation has also made efforts to build smart service platforms such as "Trade Union E-card" and "Yugonghui", set up "online direct train" for trade union services, and fully promote the construction of smart trade unions. At the same time, we continued to carry out activities to help the poor and benefit farmers through consumption, and cultivated a batch of featured brands of inclusive services with good demonstration effect and strong driving effect, such as "green travel" and "one yuan movie watching", which benefited 66.7 million employees, promoted the in-depth and practical implementation of inclusive services for trade union members, made trade union work more extensive, vigorous and warm, and made the staff and workers feel more satisfied, happy sense of security.

The warm facts and intimate measures witnessed the vivid practice of Henan Trade Union in performing its service functions, and also made the trade union's characteristic service brand shine continuously. Focusing on the employees' anxieties and anxieties, the trade unions at all levels in Henan Province integrated all kinds of resources, started from bit by bit, worked hard to be the "mother family" of the employees, and solved the concerns of the employees in a whole chain way.

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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