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Yuncheng Federation of Trade Unions organized model workers to go to the grass-roots level to preach the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-28 14:23

In order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, on November 23 and 24, the Yuncheng Model Worker and Craftsman Publicity Report Group organized by the Shanxi Yuncheng Federation of Trade Unions went to the Yuncheng Central Hospital, Shanxi Beitong New Material Technology Co., Ltd., and Yuncheng Experimental Middle School for publicity.

At the report meeting, Wang Lijun, representative of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union of China, winner of the National May Day Labor Medal, "Hedong Craftsman", level five staff member of the measurement center of the State Grid Yuncheng Power Supply Company, Yao Jun, winner of the May Day Labor Medal in Shanxi Province, assistant policeman of the traffic police brigade of Yongji Public Security Bureau, winner of the May Day Labor Medal in Shanxi Province, deputy director of the educational affairs office of the Party School of the CPC Yuncheng Municipal Committee Ma Hongjie, a full-time head teacher at the department level, three model workers, respectively combined with their own work practice, told the grassroots front-line workers the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, and told their inspirational stories and struggle experiences of loving their jobs and being willing to contribute, showing the spirit of model workers who work hard, take the lead and stand up to the tide, vividly interpreting the spirit of model workers, labor spirit The era connotation of craftsman spirit. After the report meeting, the model workers visited the hospital and the enterprise workshop on the spot.

(Cai Mengting, reporter of Shanxi Workers Daily)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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