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Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions went deep into the grassroots to preach the spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's Trade Unions

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-10 14:52

On November 9, Wang Jun, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and executive vice chairman of Shaanxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, went to Xi'an Taxi Industry Association to preach the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, investigate the construction of trade unions in new industries in Xi'an, and send the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to the heart of new industry groups.

Xi'an Cruise Car Network Car hailing Industry Trade Union Confederation, Xi'an Logistics Industry Trade Union Confederation, and Xi'an Postal Express Industry Trade Union Confederation reported on the key work of new employment workers' membership, political and ideological guidance, participation in democratic management, skill improvement, standardization of industry collective contracts, and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Three representatives of new business workers shared their changes in work, study and life after joining the trade union organization, and told their understanding and perception of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union.

Wang Jun made a presentation on the spot based on the basic situation of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, the spirit of the Congress and the careful study and implementation of the spirit of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to do a good job in protecting the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment and caring for workers, so that workers in new forms of employment can understand the essence of the Congress with simple explanations, vivid cases, intuitive and accurate data, Specify work routes for trade union organizations at all levels.

Wang Jun pointed out that the new Constitution of China's Trade Union clearly defined the right of workers in the new employment form to participate in and organize trade unions. It is necessary to build and strengthen trade unions in the new employment form, cover and serve more workers, accelerate the deepening of trade union reform, promote the innovation of trade union work, and effectively build trade unions at all levels to be more dynamic. Trade union organizations at all levels should keep up with the pace of the times The new requirements of the central government and the new expectations of the staff and workers.

Wang Jun stressed that trade union organizations at all levels should strengthen their participation in the formulation and revision of labor security laws and regulations at the source, play the role of industrial trade unions, actively negotiate with industrial trade unions, leading enterprises and enterprise representative organizations, urge platform enterprises to listen to opinions and appeals through democratic management, and promote decent work, comfortable work, and comprehensive development of workers in new forms of employment. Trade union organizations at all levels should strengthen their care and care, effectively solve the urgent problems encountered in the work of workers in the new form of employment, highlight the main role of platform enterprises in the protection of workers' rights and interests, and strengthen the guidance, supervision and construction of care activities of trade unions at all levels in the protection of workers' rights and interests in the new form of employment. It is necessary to strengthen the establishment and membership of the Association, constantly enhance the sense of belonging of workers' organizations in new forms of employment, build and improve the vertically and horizontally intertwined trade union organization system covering a wide range of areas, promote the expansion and quality improvement of Internet enterprises and platform enterprises, accelerate the construction of smart trade unions, innovate service content and service mode, so that workers in new forms of employment can fully understand trade unions, sincerely aspire to trade unions, and take the initiative to enter trade unions.

Wang Lei, executive vice chairman of Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions, accompanied the survey.

(Tang Yujie, full media reporter of Laborer's Daily)

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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