Zhonggong Entertainment

Tangshan Haigang Economic Development Zone Trade Union held a special meeting to study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-09 14:12

On November 7, the Labor Union of Haigang Economic Development Zone, Tangshan City, Hebei Province held a special meeting to study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Labor Union.

The meeting said that the trade union of the Port Economic Development Zone should adhere to the work orientation of taking the staff as the center, improve the service system focusing on inclusive services and targeted assistance, effectively realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the staff and workers, and use practical actions to achieve a better life for the staff and workers; We should strengthen our own construction and achieve greater breakthroughs in reform and innovation; We should adhere to the overall planning and promotion, and do a good job in finding a new chapter on the basis of studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union.

In the future, the trade unions in the Harbor Economic Development Zone will further transform their functions, work styles and methods, constantly enhance the sense of identity and belonging of workers to the trade union organization, constantly enhance the attractiveness, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the trade union organization, and earnestly promote the trade union work to a new level and make new breakthroughs. (Zhang Li)

Editor in charge: Yu Xiaoshu

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