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The training class for trade union department level cadres in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union opened

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-07 12:58

On November 5, the first training course for trade union department level cadres of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union opened at the China Institute of Labor Relations. Bao Tieqiang, a member of the party group and vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Federation of Trade Unions, attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech.

Bao Tieqiang said that learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, the top priority is to help complete the "two major events" of the autonomous region. We should extensively carry out propaganda and education activities on the themes of ideals and beliefs, core socialist values, building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, and "four histories", and strengthen the ideological and political guidance of workers. We will strengthen and improve labor and skills competition activities, strengthen the training of highly skilled personnel, and fully stimulate the overwhelming power of the broad masses of workers to make contributions in the new era. Effectively perform the basic responsibilities of rights protection services, deepen and expand the effectiveness of "group organizations to do practical things", and enhance the influence of trade union brand work such as giving warmth, helping people in difficulty, and mutual medical assistance for employees.

 On November 5, the first training course for trade union department level cadres of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union was held at the China Institute of Labor Relations. The picture shows the opening ceremony. Photographed by Liu Xuliang

On November 5, the first training course for trade union department level cadres of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union was held at the China Institute of Labor Relations. The picture shows the opening ceremony. Photographed by Liu Xuliang

Bao Tieqiang hopes that the students will cherish the learning opportunities and make some achievements and apply what they have learned. We should carefully integrate into the study, combine our own work reality, learn with questions, and learn with mission. Adhere to the mutual benefit of learning and application, fully exchange experiences and practices, widely express opinions and suggestions, and combine learning with thinking, knowledge and practice. Ensure a good style of study, correct learning attitude, follow learning discipline by example, establish student awareness, successfully complete the training with high standards and strict requirements, ensure good results with a good style of study, and comprehensively display the good image of trade union cadres in Inner Mongolia.

In the next three days, the training class will organize trainees to learn and train in building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, trade union theory and business knowledge through thematic teaching, on-site teaching, discussion and exchange and other forms. (Liu Xuliang Yunlong)

Editor in charge: Lin Kaiyi

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