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The Women Workers Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions held a symposium to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-11-04 07:16

Former title: Symposium on the Study, Publicity and Implementation of the Spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women's Workers' Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions was held (topic introduction)

Gather the strength of women to promote the innovative development of the work of women workers in trade unions (theme)

Beijing, November 3 (Workers' Daily - Zhu Xin, a reporter from China Industrial Network) The Women's Workers' Committee of the All China Federation of Trade Unions held a symposium in Beijing today, earnestly studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, learning to publicize and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union and the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women. Relevant leaders of the Federation had discussions and exchanges with representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women, female model workers, female workers in new forms of employment, and women workers' organizations of grassroots trade unions, and talked about their thoughts and experiences.

"I will improve my ability of independent innovation and strive to run out of the" acceleration "of innovation and creation of the working class" "I will implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union into work with practical actions" "We will lead women workers to constantly ride the wind and waves in the field of the digital economy" "I will do my best to continue to transmit the positive energy of the trade union" "I want to be the promoter of carrying forward the spirit of model workers, the pioneer of inheriting the spirit of labor, and the outstanding person of practicing the spirit of craftsmanship"... At the symposium, Ke Xiaobin, the monitor of the third shift of the electrical center of Shenxin Company of China Communication Signal Xi'an Industrial Group, Lin Xiaoxia, the female rider of Meituan take away, Li Aihua, vice president of Zhuhai Jinshan Digital Network Technology Co., Ltd Tan Qinzhi, instructor of collective negotiation on wages of Furong District Federation of Trade Unions in Changsha City, Hunan Province, and Chi Rencuomu, leader of the operation team of Lhasa Transit Plant of Tibet Shunfeng Express Co., Ltd., shared what they had learned and said they would contribute to the great cause of comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and national rejuvenation with a more ambitious attitude of struggle.

The meeting made a deployment for the work of women workers in trade unions, requiring women workers' organizations at all levels to use Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era to concentrate their hearts and souls, to guide the ideological and political leadership throughout the work, and to unite and guide the majority of women workers to listen to and follow the Party. Focusing on promoting high-quality development, we should take competition as the starting point to encourage women workers to make contributions to their posts, cultivate innovative talents, and pool the great power of unity and struggle. We should do a good job of women workers' rights protection services with heart and feelings, increase the participation of the source, carry out law popularization, strengthen legal supervision and services, safeguard the special rights and interests of women workers, and gather and warm people's hearts in caring services. We should strengthen our own construction, establish and improve the mechanism of close contact and service at the grass-roots level, promote the construction of the "five modernizations" of the work of women workers in trade unions, conduct in-depth investigation and research, strengthen internal and external coordination, and work together to promote the innovative development of the work of women workers in trade unions.

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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