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Henan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Held the Activity of Propagandizing the Spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's Trade Unions into the Grassroots

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-11-02 10:43

CAMCE   November 1, by Henan The propaganda activity of the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, "Solidarity, soul building, following the Party, and a new journey of unity", sponsored by the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, was held in Sanquan Food Co., Ltd. Yuan Jiajun, Bai Hui, Tao Liuhai, Hu Ping and other four representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union enthusiastically made speeches, We will promote the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union to reach the grass-roots level, enterprises and workers.

The four speakers shared the general situation of the event and their feelings of participation, and combined their own growth experience and work reality, they presented a "micro party lesson" to more than 200 on-site audiences, including Zhengzhou grassroots trade union cadres, automobile manufacturing workers, medical workers, public transport workers, and new employment workers. The propaganda activities were simultaneously broadcast online, attracting more than 250000 people to watch.

 1. On November 1, Yuan Jiajun, Bai Hui, Tao Liuhai, Hu Ping and other four representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, as witnesses and participants, shared the general situation and feelings of the event. (Photographed by Wang Wei)

On November 1, Yuan Jiajun, Bai Hui, Tao Liuhai, Hu Ping and other four representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union shared the general situation of the event and their feelings at the meeting. Photographed by Wang Wei

"We will identify the entry point, combination point and focus point of trade union work, take the promotion of the construction and reform of the industrial workforce as the starting point, actively integrate trade union work into the overall situation of the company's development and employee services, and highlight the trade union brand in gathering great power to accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power." Bai Hui, vice chairman of the trade union of Xuji Group Co., Ltd., fully demonstrated the responsibilities and responsibilities of trade union cadres in the new era.

"As a front-line representative at the grass-roots level, I feel extremely honored; as a national power grid worker, I feel extremely proud; as an industrial worker in Henan, I feel extremely excited. I will link my life goals with the development of the Party and the country, and with the development of the national power grid, and fulfill the duties of a trade union representative with practical actions and achievements. ”Tao Liuhai, a senior technician of the ultra-high voltage company of State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, gave a speech that aroused strong resonance among the majority of workers, and inspired everyone to base on their posts, innovate and create, and take the road of becoming talents and serving the country with skills.

 3. On November 1, four representatives of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union presented a "micro party lesson" to more than 200 audience. (Photographed by Wang Wei)

Staff and workers listen carefully Photographed by Wang Wei

The grand blueprint of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation is inspiring. The staff and workers who listened to the lecture expressed that they should take on the task of working class with labor creation, show the style of the working class era with excellent skills, and make new and greater contributions to the practice of Chinese style modernization in Henan. Wang Wei

Editor in charge: Yao Yimeng

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