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The training class for Shanghai Trade Union to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union opened

Source: China Industrial Network
2023-10-20 17:47

CAMCE News The two-day training course for the Shanghai Trade Union to learn and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union opened on October 19. Zheng Gangmiao, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, attended the opening ceremony and made a mobilization speech. He asked trade unions at all levels to learn, understand, publicize and implement the spirit of the conference, closely combine with the actual work, internalize the spirit of the conference into their own ideals and beliefs, and transform it into a strong driving force for hard work and perseverance, so as to further promote the high-quality development of Shanghai labor movement cause and trade union work. Huang Hong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the mobilization for the opening of the class, and gave the first lesson on the topic of "Deeply learning the spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's Trade Unions to promote the innovative development of the labor movement cause and the work of Shanghai's trade unions".

Zheng Gangmiao pointed out that the trade union system in Shanghai should attach great importance to the study, publicity and implementation of the work, so as to learn deeply and thoroughly, and make achievements. To deeply understand that politics is the first attribute of trade union organizations.

He requested that trade unions at all levels should be more proactive and conscientious in serving high-quality development. We will further stimulate the strong motivation of Shanghai's employees to actively participate in the modernization drive, and make positive contributions to building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. We should continue to deepen the reform of the construction of industrial workers, strengthen resource coordination and policy linkage, and strive to foster a more skilled and innovative industrial workers team in Shanghai; We should actively organize the staff and workers to make contributions, innovate and create, and cultivate more representative "Shanghai masters", "Shanghai craftsmen" and "great country craftsmen" in Shanghai; We should pay attention to strengthening the coverage of trade union organizations and work, continue to strengthen the construction of trade union organization system, improve the work level and innovation ability of trade union cadres, and build the foundation of trade union organizations.

He stressed that trade union organizations should play a more effective role as bridges. Trade union work is the mass work carried out by the Party through trade union organizations, and it is an important work for the Party to mobilize the broad masses of workers and staff to complete the central task of the Party. We should do a good job in trade union work, reflect the advantages of organizational coverage, play a good role as a bridge, and pay special attention to the maintenance and protection of workers' rights and interests. We should improve the protection mechanism of workers' rights and interests, and make greater efforts to build and improve the rights protection service mechanism that is compatible with the best practice of the people's democracy in the whole process; We should promote the construction of a staff service network, strengthen the accuracy of service, and weave a dense service network to better meet the expectations of staff for a better life; It is necessary to implement policy guarantees, further promote the formation of joint efforts of government departments at all levels, and promote problem solving with more pragmatic work and more effective measures, so as to live up to the expectations of the city's employees.

The training course for Shanghai Trade Union to study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union was opened. Photographed by Zhan Xiang

Huang Hong pointed out that trade unions at all levels should quickly set off an upsurge of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's Trade Unions. Adherence to the correct direction should be the first requirement, and the Party's innovative theory should be used to unite workers, and model workers should be advanced to motivate workers, so as to continue to deepen the ideological and political guidance of workers. We should take serving high-quality development as the first task, expand the ranks of highly skilled industrial workers, hold high-quality labor and skills competitions, and continue to deepen the reform of the construction of industrial workers. We should take employee satisfaction as the first goal, build an inclusive service brand, improve the level of targeted assistance, build harmonious labor relations, and continue to deepen rights protection services. We should take reform and innovation as the first driving force, continue to expand the coverage of trade union organizations, adhere to stimulating the vitality of grass-roots organizations, unswervingly reform and innovation, and continue to deepen the construction of grass-roots organizations. We should take strict governance of the Party as the first standard, comprehensively strengthen the construction of political organs, comprehensively strengthen the construction of work style, and continue to deepen the construction of the Party in the trade union system. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Shanghai Trade Union should transform the objectives and tasks set at the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union into the practice and exploration of the Shanghai Trade Union, unite and mobilize the vast number of workers in the city to work hard, take the lead, stand boldly at the forefront, link up and form a joint force, and strive to write a new chapter in the work of the trade union in the new era and new journey.

It is reported that the two-day special training will provide in-depth interpretation, exchange and discussion on the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, the Trade Union Law and the Shanghai Trade Union Regulations. More than 200 people participated in the training, including members of the 15th session of the Municipal General Assembly, chairmen of industrial trade unions of district bureaus, party group secretaries, and main heads of departments and offices of the Municipal General Assembly and directly administered units.

Li Jiabao, chief reporter of Labor Daily

Editor in charge: Li Fang

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