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Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union | Jiangsu Trade Union: "typical guide" to help improve the quality and efficiency of "production reform"

Source: China Industrial Network - Workers' Daily
2023-10-20 07:19

[Implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union]

Original title: Jiangsu Trade Union Transforms the Objectives and Tasks Determined at the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union into the Work Focus (Introduction)

"Typical Guide" Helps "Industry Reform" Improve Quality and Efficiency (Theme)

Worker's Daily - reporter Huang Hongtao and Wang Wei from China Industrial Network

If the column is opened

The 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union is a very important conference held at a critical moment when China is on the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and marching towards the second century goal. The conference summarized the achievements and valuable experience of trade union work in the new era, and deployed the goals and tasks for the next five years. In recent days, trade unions at all levels and the broad masses of workers have set off an upsurge of learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress of Trade Unions, and vigorously implemented the "acceleration" of the development of the labor movement cause, striving to create a new situation for the party's labor movement cause and trade union work. From today on, our newspaper will open a column of "Implementing the Spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Trade Union". Please pay attention.

"We need to deepen the reform of the construction of the industrial workforce, play a leading role in the overall development, focus on key work such as ideological guidance, making contributions, quality improvement, status improvement, and team growth, improve the skills formation and career development system, and cultivate more large country craftsmen and highly skilled talents." For several days, trade unions at all levels in Jiangsu have earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the 18th National Congress of China's Trade Unions, We will transform the goals and tasks set by the conference into the focus of our work, re mobilize and re deploy key work in combination with the actual situation, and strive to write a new chapter in the cause of the Party's labor movement.

In recent years, the Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions has made great efforts to give play to the flexible advantages of the mechanism of non-public enterprises, to promote the "industrial reform" of non-public enterprises, to promote the healthy development of non-public economy, and to enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of industrial workers. Aiming at the situation that a large number of non-public small and medium-sized enterprises gather in the industrial park, we will focus on promoting the extension of "industrial reform" to small industrial clusters, industrial parks, etc., build a number of work guidance stations, and leverage a number of enterprises to participate in "industrial reform" and explore a number of working mechanisms by carrying out special training, integrating enterprise culture, typical case demonstration, skills independent evaluation, "learning to realize dreams" action and other carriers, To form a pilot network pattern of provinces, cities, counties and towns connecting from top to bottom and combining points, lines and areas. According to statistics, there are 37 pilot industrial clusters in the province, with 8138 pilot enterprises, of which non-public enterprises account for 83%.

At the same time, Jiangsu Provincial General Manager has extensively organized the province's leading labor competition, mobilized non-public enterprises to actively participate, with labor dispatch workers and migrant workers accounting for more than 80% of the participants, and carried out the province's leading skills competition in industries such as steel, textile, logistics, and online marketing, where non-public enterprise industrial workers are concentrated.

In addition, the General Assembly of Jiangsu Province encouraged non-public enterprises to explore ways to participate in distribution based on innovation achievements and skill levels, and took the lead in introducing the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Collective Negotiation, vigorously promoting special collective contracts for technological innovation of employees and collective negotiation on "level wages". At present, more than 10000 non-public enterprises have been covered, benefiting more than 1.5 million employees.

"Next, the Jiangsu Trade Union will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Trade Union, and strive to promote the expansion of non-public enterprises' 'industrial reform' to improve quality and efficiency." Xu Dayong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions, and director of the provincial "industrial reform" office, said that the Jiangsu Trade Union adheres to political guidance, skill development, and rights and interests protection, and further improves the promotion of non-public enterprises' "industrial reform" Targeted and effective. We should pay more attention to the role of enterprises as the main body, take the chain leading enterprises as the starting point, promote the "industrial reform" of industrial clusters, focus on the cultivation of innovative talents, stimulate the momentum of "industrial reform" of specialized and special new enterprises, rely on industrial parks, focus on promoting the "industrial reform" of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises, highlight key groups, and strengthen the "industrial reform" of new business fields.

On October 17, Jiangsu held a meeting to promote the construction and reform of industrial workers in non-public enterprises across the province, strengthen organizational mobilization, intensify work, promote typical experience, and further promote the expansion and quality improvement of non-public enterprises' "industrial reform" work.

Nanjing has just formulated an action plan to further deepen the "industrial reform", and will establish the Nanjing Industrial Workers Innovation and Development Center and Nanjing Craftsman College. It is proposed that by the end of April 2024, 100% of the city's construction association enterprises should be ensured to become municipal "industry reform" units; By the end of 2024, all "industry reform" units will implement the "industry reform" measures 100%.

Nantong City has explored the formation of a pilot pattern covering all cities, counties and towns, cultivating 988 pilot units, of which more than 80% are non-public enterprises, covering millions of employees, and promoting "pilot" to "demonstration".

In view of the characteristics of non-public enterprises in key industrial chains, such as the same products, similar processes, interlinked links, and similar management, Suqian actively explores the establishment of an industrial chain "industry reform" alliance, strives to stimulate and release the new potential of non-public enterprises "industry reform", makes the industrial chain become a "industry reform" chain, and uses the "industry reform" chain to boost the industrial chain.

Under the guidance and support of the Federation of Trade Unions of Suzhou Industrial Park, the Association of Industrial Engineers and Technicians of Suzhou Industrial Park organized the implementation of three major projects, namely, the employee talent cultivation plan, the skilled talents cultivation industry education alliance and the Jinjihu Craftsman College, which played a trilogy of helping industrial workers improve their skills.

Editor in charge: Liu Yingjie

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