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Zhou Jihong: The candidate for the Asian Games is the main force of the Chinese diving team

2018-08-10 07:40:48   China News Network

China news agency, Beijing, August 9 (Ma Yuanhao, Huang Yuqin) Nine days before the opening of the Jakarta Asian Games, the Chinese national diving team held an open class in Beijing on August 9. Zhou Jihong, the leader of the Chinese diving team, said, "The candidates for the Asian Games are the main force of the Chinese diving team, and the Olympic champions such as Shi Tingmao, Chen Aisen and Cao Yuan are the backbone of the team."

   Data picture: Shi Tingmao is in the competition. Photographed by Li Qing, a reporter from China News Service

In recent years, the women's ten meter platform players such as Ren Xi and Si Yajie have been restricted by the "growing pains" in the international diving competition, and the Chinese diving team, which has always been known for its stability, has been frequently attacked by other Asian countries in this traditional competitive event. However, after the National Games last year, Zhang Jiaqi, a 14-year-old boy who has not yet fully entered the development stage, was born and temporarily became the main member of the Chinese diving team in this event.

After three qualifying rounds for the Asian Games, Zhang Jiaqi won the ticket for the Asian Games in the first row, as expected. The second candidate will be selected between Si Yajie and Ren Qian. Zhou Jihong revealed that, considering the recent training, technical level and weight index of the two players, the team decided to make another selection for the second place before the Asian Games on the 23rd of this month, and the weight will be considered.

"Weight is a hard indicator. If the skills and performance are similar, the players with good weight control can go on. Of course, the team will not let two more people in Jakarta decide who will play in the end through 'actual combat', but we know their training conditions and physical indicators, so we may change people three hours before the start of the game." Zhou Jihong said.

In this regard, Ren Qian said that her heart fluctuated greatly from losing the election to being selected, but she would cherish the opportunity to compete with Siyajie again. Siyajie said that his advantage was that he had passed the developmental threshold, and this time his fate was in his hands.

Compared with the "tangle" of the women's ten meter platform, the men's platform jumping is very clear. After three trials, veteran Qiu Bo won the ticket in the first row, while Olympic champion Chen Aisen, Yang Jian and Yang Hao tied for the second. After weighing, the diving team decided to let Yang Jian join Qiu Bo in the single event. Zhou Jihong said that in consideration of the events, athletes' technical level and achievements, the team decided to separate the single and double events so that all four athletes can experience the training of the Asian Games.

"The candidates for the Asian Games are the main force of the Chinese diving team. Shi Tingmao, Chen Aisen and Cao Yuan are the backbone of the team, as well as Wang Han and Qiu Bo who have participated in the World Championships." Zhou Jihong said, "There are many people who have participated in the Asian Games for the first time. Chang Yani, Zhang Jiaqi, Zhang Minjie, Peng Jianfeng and Yang Hao are all newcomers to the comprehensive games."

"Confidence still needs to be there. Although other events do not have such twists and turns as the women's ten meter platform, we should not take it lightly. We should still go all out to show our level. After all, the Asian Games is also the training before the Tokyo Olympic Games." Zhou Jihong said.

"I was also very excited to participate in the second Asian Games, but I was taken with me in the last Asian Games and the Olympic Games. This time, I took small players, and I felt different." Chen Aisen said frankly, "Recently, my state has recovered, and I feel slowly adjusted back. My state is much better than that of winter training, and many movements can be turned around."

Shi Tingmao also expressed his expectation for the Asian Games, "I haven't won the championship of the three meter springboard single event of the Asian Games, so I hope to complete the slam this time.

According to the schedule of the Jakarta Asian Games, from August 28 to September 1, the Chinese diving team will launch an attack on the gold medals of ten events, including the women's 10m platform, women's 10m platform, men's 10m platform, men's 10m platform, women's 3m board, women's 3m board, and women's 3m board.

Edit: Guo Lijuan

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