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The limited edition licensed goods for the 10th anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games are selling well in Beijing

2018-08-09 07:26:06 Source: China News Network

August 8 is the 10th anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games. The 9 special limited edition licensed commodities launched by BOCOG to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games were launched for the first time. There are 9 commemorative licensed commodities sold this time, including 2 badges, 1 sterling silver commemorative medal, 1 copper gilded commemorative medal, 1 notebook set, 1 commemorative cover, 2 stamp albums and 1 set of stamp book. The "10th Anniversary Commemoration" will sell 1000 badges in a limited amount, from water sports in summer to winter ice and snow sports. It means that with the preparation of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity, ice and snow sports are gradually becoming a new trend of mass sports; The 5000 badges - "City of Double Olympics" are sold in limited quantities. The shape is derived from the historical bamboo slips. The most representative auspicious cloud patterns in 2008 are selected for decoration, highlighting the 10-year Olympic complex of Beijing, the City of Double Olympics; 2022 sterling silver commemorative medals and 2022 gold-plated copper commemorative medals will be sold in limited quantities, and the specification of gold-plated copper commemorative medals is 40mm in diameter; The silver medal is 35mm in diameter, made of 999 pure silver, and weighs 15g. The two badges both use unique coinage color printing technology to present the beautiful image of the Bird's Nest at the opening ceremony of the two Olympic Games; 3000 sets of notebook kits will be sold in limited quantities. The torch lit at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games echoes the eight minute ice screen of the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, fully demonstrating the compatibility of Beijing's traditional and modern urban personality; One commemorative cover with the theme of the 10th anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games, with a circulation of 20000; In order to commemorate Beijing's becoming the first city in history to host both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, with the approval of the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, China Post Group and the Samaranch Foundation issued two commemorative albums, respectively entitled "China's Glory", "Splendor Beijing - the 10th Anniversary of the Beijing Olympic Games" and a set of commemorative booklets - "The world is great because of dreams", It contains commemorative stamps for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, which have very special commemorative value and can be collected by consumers and stamp collectors. The product was quickly snapped up. Photographed by Ren Haixia, a reporter from China News Service

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