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BOCOG launched the global collection of mascots on the "National Fitness Day"

2018-08-09 07:22:59 Source: China News Network

On August 8, the main venue of the 2018 National "Fitness Day for All" activity, the launch of the global collection of mascots for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic City Sports and Culture Festival, was held at the celebration square of the Beijing Olympic Park. The global collection of mascots will be held from August 8 to October 31, and then the design scheme will be finalized through expert review, in-depth modification, social review, legal review and approval, and is scheduled to be released in the second half of 2019. The picture shows the video of Mr. Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, wishing the 10th anniversary of the success of the Beijing Olympic Games. Photographed by Han Haidan, a reporter from China News Service

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Edit: Wu Wei

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