Xinhua News Agency: China's sports management system begins to change

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 6, sports special telegram review: China's sports management system began to "transform"

Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Nan

China's sports transformation has set sail, in which the management system reform is the driving force source to promote the overall reform of the industry, and is the core element for the success of the transformation.

The next five years will be a critical period to determine whether China's sports management system can be fundamentally reversed. The five development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing put forward at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and the four concepts of green Olympics, shared Olympics, open Olympics and clean Olympics put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the important instructions for the success of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, have provided a clear direction and guiding principles for the continuous and in-depth reform of the management system.

Reform requires both macro strategies and micro measures. It is urgent for Chinese sports to take the reform of the football association system as a breakthrough, clarify the role of the government, the market and the society, and eradicate the persistent problem of the combination of government and society and the integration of management and management. It will be an important issue for the system reform of the sports industry to reasonably set the boundaries and rights and responsibilities of "management" and "management" in different fields in the top-level design. Exploring a set of efficient and scientific sports management system and operation mechanism is not only the cornerstone of realizing the dream of sports power, but also the requirement of building a service-oriented government. At the same time, reform should avoid one size fits all, and should be gradual according to the actual situation.

   Many disadvantages

Beijing Olympic Games, China's competitive sports reached the peak. The historic achievement of 51 gold medals confirmed the success of the "Olympic Glory Plan". The value system, management system and operation mechanism based on the planned economy and guided by the number of gold medals have played a positive role in promoting the development of Chinese sports, improving the national image and stimulating national pride in a certain historical period.

When the Chinese delegation rapidly climbed in the Olympic medal list and stood out in the Asian Games medal list, the shortcomings of the old system were gradually exposed. The gold content of competitive sports gold medal is insufficient, and the basic major events and professional events with great influence are weak, which reflects the limitations of resource allocation away from the market and training methods; Corruption and chaos are emerging one after another. The scandals such as Olympic champions diving and throwing balls into their own baskets reflect that local sports authorities flout the rules, gold medals are paramount, and the General Administration of Sport of China has failed to supervise, and even some officials themselves are involved in corruption; The decline of national physique and the inability to meet the fitness needs reflect the uneven distribution of overall resources and the deviation of the development direction from the basic functions of sports; The development of sports industry is lagging behind and the structure is unbalanced. Some civil society sports organizations and sports competent departments have problems such as disputes over hosting games. The enthusiasm of social forces and social resources to participate in running sports has been affected and suppressed, which reflects that sports administrative departments are accustomed to monopolizing resources and competing with the market.

The core of these problems all point to the dislocation between the management system and the current situation of economic, social and sports development. In order to give full play to the unique function of sports in the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, we must carry out in-depth reform of its management system.

   Separation of management and office

The sports competent department integrates the functions of administration, cause, association and enterprise, which results in the indistinct division of government and society, the integration of management and management, and the unclear power and responsibility. This is the crux of the current management system.

After years of deliberation, the reform action aimed at eliminating the root causes was launched at the end of the 12th Five Year Plan. Over the past year, documents and measures such as Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Sports Industry to Promote Sports Consumption, the General Plan for the Reform and Development of Chinese Football, and the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Sports Management System through the Reform of the Sports Management Center and Individual Sports Associations have begun to stimulate the social momentum and market potential of China's sports industry.

The cancellation of approval for commercial and mass events broke the monopoly of sports administrative agencies on event resources, and the effect of stimulating social enthusiasm and market vitality was immediate. Taking the marathon as an example, there were 51 national events in 2014, and there were more than 60 incomplete statistics in Zhejiang Province alone in 2015. Of course, streamlining administration and delegating power is not a matter of letting go. It should be the responsibility of the sports administrative department to strengthen pre match services and management and supervision during and after the games. In addition, the supporting reform of public security, transportation and other functional management departments is also crucial.

The cancellation of event approval is a procedural reform step. The subsequent reform plan for the project management center and individual sports associations directly hit the root of the "four in one" problem, and generally defined the reform roadmap of separating government and society, separating government and enterprises, and market guiding resource allocation. Relevant experts believe that only when the project sports association is decoupled from the administrative and career system and becomes a real corporate association can it break away from the thinking constraints such as the single gold medal strategy and effectively transform its functions to serve sports and society.

As Liu Peng, Director of the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China, said, the ultimate goal of the reform is to "establish a modern sports system and an efficient and scientific sports management and operation mechanism with strong government supervision, reasonable market allocation of resources, and vigorous development of social sports organizations".

   Foot change pilotage

23 years ago, football took the lead in launching the professionalization process. However, the reform did not touch the core management system and mechanism, which made Chinese football straddle "inside and outside the system", and paid a huge price for the incomplete professionalization, such as frequent corruption, depressed football market, investors' complaints, and the decline of national brands. In the new round of China's sports reform, football, which has the greatest attention and influence, has once again become the breakthrough and experimental field of management system reform. This time, it is really necessary to have a major operation.

The Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Chinese Football and the Plan for the Adjustment and Reform of the Chinese Football Association issued this year clearly require the Chinese Football Association to decouple from the General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China and cancel the football management center at the right time, so as to realize the professional and social management of football by the Football Association, truly act according to the laws of football development, and at the same time, separate the government from society Separate management and management to avoid corruption caused by the integration of government and business. This system reform is not only to clear the obstacles for fulfilling the Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Chinese Football, but also to provide experience for the reform of the management system of the whole sports system.

On the other hand, football reform covers a wide range of areas and should form a positive interaction with education, industry and commerce, taxation, finance, security and other departments. The reform of the whole sports management system is not an isolated process. We should learn from the experience and lessons of reform in other fields, and explore ways for the reform and innovation of our community management.

Of course, the system reform must not be one size fits all. Not all projects, like football, basketball, and racing, have the external conditions to promote professionalism and marketization. Therefore, we must formulate association reform plans according to the characteristics and development stages of different projects, and gradually promote them according to the actual situation.

To reform the management system is to fundamentally break the existing pattern of power and benefit distribution, which requires great determination, courage and patience. In the next five years, China's sports industry should persist in deepening reform and initially establish a set of management systems and operating mechanisms that are appropriate to the stage of social development, so as to eliminate the soil breeding corruption as far as possible, open resources, activate the market, support industrial development, promote the coordinated progress of competitive sports and fitness for the whole people, and enable the public to share the dividends of sports reform and development.

Article keywords: Football Liu Peng Winter Olympics marathon

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