People's Network >> Sports >> Ice and snow

Winter Olympics preparation

Competitive Dynamics


Volkswagen Ice and Snow

Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025), National Ice and Snow Field Facilities Construction Plan (2016-2022)

        Time Objectives
    By 2020 The total scale of the national ice and snow industry will reach 600 billion yuan

    There will be 2000 snow and ice sports featured schools in primary and secondary schools across the country

    The training of 5000 full-time or part-time teachers of campus ice and snow sports will be completed

    By 2022 The number of skating halls nationwide will not be less than 650

    The number of ski resorts will reach 800

    Snow track area will reach 100 million square meters

    The length of ski path will reach 3500 km

    By 2025 The total scale of the national ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion yuan

    There will be 5000 snow and ice sports featured schools in primary and secondary schools across the country
    Strive to achieve the development goal of "more than 50 million people directly participate in ice and snow sports nationwide, and 'drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports'"