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Yaguan Rolling News

Can't stop! Chengdu Rongcheng will win three awards for the Asian Championships next season

Women's Football Championship Wuhan Match Zone Tickets Wuhan Girls for the Country

The women's football champion was boycotted! Ticket price in China: up to 1280, comparable

Zeka has been injured for 8 months, so he has to wait for the next 4 games for Taishan and 3 Brazilian forwards

Australian team new coach candidate: led by Popovich, once led Xixi

Tickets for Taishan Football Association Cup will be sold at 10:00 on September 22, higher than that of the league

The Chinese Super League team has made an unexpected "good start" in the new season's Asian Championships

The seaport invites Slotsky to watch the Asian Championships? Li Xuan: Si Shuai goes to Pudong for football

The harbor commander responded to Jiang Guangtai's deceitful injury: very surprised, Shenhua shouldn't take care of me

1-3! The demoted quota of the Chinese Super League emerged, and Meizhou suffered a double kill,

Gujia made great achievements in passing and shooting, and Tiewei broke the three-year ball shortage! Guoan 3-1 Meizhou Guest

Visiting Taishan, Shandong, the three towns of Wuhan keep the peace and win

In the first round of the Asian Championship Elite League, Shanghai Shenhua won the Pohang Ironman 4:1

Cui Kangxi: Against the three towns, Taishan team needs to consider rotation. Zeka still

Slotsky: Fernando's status rebounded, and the championship prize was awarded due to physical improvement

Cui Kangxi: Wang Tong and Zeka can't play. Whether Liu Yang will play depends on

Cui Kangxi: Taishan will consider rotating Zeka when kicking three towns&

Luneng and Sanzhen have not played yet, and they have received good cancellation in succession

Cui Kangxi: Aggressive attack at home against Zeka Sanzhen

Cui Kangxi gave the latest answer to Zeka, Wang Tong and Liu Yang

Lions Sailor Captain Harun: We are used to participating in the Asian Championships. Everyone

Shicheng Sailor Foreign Aid Forward: We play aggressively and deserve it

The bound book has something to say! This CSL seaport reporter is too double standard

Shandong Taishan vs Wuhan: Cui Kangxi made an important decision

Lu Media: Taishan needs deep rotation, Zeka is still unknown, Wu Xinghan

The head coach of Shicheng Sailors talked about the 2-0 Zhejiang team: we deserve this victory

Save it. Is Taishan not in the forced demotion list? Football Association Cup vs Chengdu

Unable to change the old problem of wave shooting, Zhejiang team's second championship team encountered a black door

Guests revealed a small secret about the lineup of the Asian Championships, and Bi Jinhao was temporarily put in

Reporter: The Asian Championships is a purely commercial event, so it is unnecessary to increase the win or loss to

Dongti: Southeast Asian clubs rise by naturalization+unlimited foreign aid, Zhejiang

Ma Dexing: After the restructuring of CSL, Yaguan may not lose its competitiveness

Cui Kangxi won the first battle of the Asian Championships and handed in full marks. Will Ivan

Staying in the FA Cup, Taishan team ran home to get 1 point Zeka to test the water status

Zhejiang Team lost the championship! Ma Dexing Angers Qiao Di: Singapore Loses?

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