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[Following the footsteps of the General Secretary] Jiangxi: Strive bravely to be the first in the new journey, and show a new look

Jiangxi is a red land full of red memories. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Jiangxi twice to draw a blueprint for the reform and development of Jiangxi in the new era. The cadres and masses of Jiangxi should keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and strive to set an example in accelerating the high-quality development of the old revolutionary base areas, and strive to be the first in promoting the rise of the central region, and strive to take the road of the Long March in the new era. [Details]

The first issue of "Happy Jiangxi" in this decade, I like to see Jiangxi's extraordinary achievements!

What extraordinary achievements have Jiangxi made in various undertakings in the past decade? The secretary of the provincial party committee told the great changes of Jiangxi in the past ten years from five aspects!

Happy Jiangxi II | My Family's Fireworks Day

Jiangxi has experienced great changes in the past ten years. The people's fireworks days are the witness of this earth shaking event and the footnote of the "Happy Decade".

The third issue of Happy Jiangxi | Nanchang -- With innovation, a strong province will take responsibility!

Ten years have gone by, ten years have changed. Nanchang, a heroic city, is now full of development and innovation. Today, we review Nanchang's ten years of extraordinary road through a long scroll!

The fourth issue of Happy Jiangxi | Ganzhou -- seize new opportunities and make the Soviet area look new!

After ten years of dream chasing and rejuvenation, and ten years of catching up and surpassing, Ganzhou, a red land once burning revolutionary beacon, is now quietly rising, radiating unprecedented vitality, and ushering in earth shaking changes.

SVG posters have witnessed the butterfly change in Gannan for ten years!

What earth shaking changes have taken place in this piece of red earth that the General Secretary deeply cares about over the past decade? Unlock the map and witness the magnificent butterfly change of Gannan!

Follow the General Secretary to see China, the business of thousands of households | Jiangxi: benefiting the people in the old areas, the days of which have become more prosperous

In recent years, the whole Jiangxi province has transformed General Secretary Xi Jinping's deep concern for the old revolutionary base areas into practical actions to improve people's livelihood, highlighting the fundamental purpose of benefiting the people, and the life of the people in the old revolutionary base areas has become more prosperous. [Details]

Continue the red blood, continue to write the new glory of the old area

In the new era, Jiangxi, an old revolutionary base area, is setting sail, standing at the forefront, inheriting the red gene, and continuing its new glory.

People in the old area have become more prosperous

The farmyard with white walls and black tiles is well arranged. The winding asphalt road in the village is clean and tidy. Under the dense ancient camphor trees, chirping birds and chirping birds are heard, and the fragrance of flowers is refreshing.

Rooted in the fertile soil industry in the old area, the more "Jiangxi", the better

In recent years, Jiangxi Province has actively set an example in speeding up the high-quality development of old revolutionary base areas, courageously competing for the lead in promoting the rise of the central region, and striving to take the road of the Long March in the new era.

@All young people, Xi Jinping has something to say to you

The majority of young people should unswervingly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think and do well, and aspire to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can bear hardships, and are willing to struggle, so that youth can bloom in the hot practice of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. [Details]

Shi Yulian, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, said that the fundamental solution to the problem of eating lies in science and technology

Shi Yulian, a new farmer connected with science and technology. In 2013, Shi Yulian participated in the "One Village, One College Student Project", and began to conduct the experiment of "no tillage, direct seeding and cultivation of rice" on her own fields after her achievements. Under her leadership, a high-quality rice professional cooperative was established, and a scientific and technological grain production road was created.

Kang Kuanjun, the representative of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Broaden the industrial road and realize rural revitalization

Kang Kuanjun, born in 1989, gave up his high paying job in coastal areas and chose to return to rural areas to build his hometown. He became a village secretary and led the whole village to successfully lift out of poverty. Kang Kuanjun said that the key to achieving rural revitalization is to further broaden the path of industrial development.

Yang Huili, representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

In the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, Yang Huili, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Nursing Department of the People's Hospital of Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, regardless of personal safety, offered to become a medical team member of Jiangxi Province for Hubei Province. Yang Huili regards patients as relatives, and treats them with temperature and heat to ensure people's health in an all-round and full cycle way.

Wen Lanying, representative of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Let volunteer service become a trend!

Wen Lanying, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, is the secretary and president of the General Party Branch of the Hand in Hand Volunteers Association in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province. In 9 years, she led volunteers to help 790 children in need and more than 8000 elderly people in need. She hopes that volunteering can become a trend, so that everyone wants to do public welfare and is willing to do it.

The National Emblem of the Tang Dynasty on behalf of the Twentieth National Congress: Digging National Characteristics and Moving towards Common Prosperity

From scratch, Yanglin Returned Overseas Chinese and Ethnic Minorities Gathering Village in Aoshan Town, Shanggao County, Jiangxi Province, under the leadership of Tang Guohui, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, explored national cultural characteristics, vigorously developed rural tourism, and moved towards common prosperity.

Deeply understand the milestone significance of the ten year great changes in the new era in the development history of the Chinese nation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has complied with the expectations of all Chinese people, held high the banner of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, mapped out the blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and demonstrated the bright and beautiful prospects of the Chinese nation [Details]

  • technological innovation
  • Open frontier
  • Rural revitalization
  • People's wellbeing
  • Green butterfly transformation
  • New look of urban and rural areas

[Great Change] Strive to achieve self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our country has taken self-reliance in science and technology as the strategic support for national development, made breakthroughs in basic science and cutting-edge technology, and created a path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics.

[Great Change] Create a highland of innovation and accelerate the march towards a scientific and technological power

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China's scientific and technological innovation space layout has been continuously optimized, innovation highlands have accelerated their rise, and China's high-quality development has been constantly promoted.

[Great Change] Promote the reform of the scientific and technological system and improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has systematically promoted the reform of the scientific and technological system. Basic systems in the scientific and technological field have been basically established. Substantial progress has been made in the reform of some important fields and key links, and many tough bones have been gnawed down.

[Great Change] Let hundreds of millions of people share the fruits of Internet development

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's online information industry has made historic achievements, people's production and lifestyle have undergone profound changes, and hundreds of millions of people have more sense of gain in sharing the fruits of Internet development.

[Great Change] High level opening to the outside world

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China has unswervingly pursued a win-win strategy of opening up, forming a new pattern of all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging opening up.

[Great change] Jiangxi Ganzhou International Inland Port actively integrates into the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area

Today, Ganzhou International Inland Port, located in Nankang District, has a daily throughput of 600 TEUs. China Europe (Asia) trains cover five Central Asian countries and more than 100 cities in more than 20 European countries.

[Great Change] The "Belt and Road" Initiative opens up a new world of high-level opening-up

Today, the high-quality co construction of the "Belt and Road" not only opens up an opportunity road for all countries to lead to common prosperity, but also opens up a new world for China's opening up and development.

[Great Change] Promote reform and opening up in the new era to go more steadily and further

Only by standing at a new historical node and comprehensively deepening reform with the idea of reform and opening up and innovative methods can we solve the development problems and forge a new path of development.

[Great change] The road to rural revitalization is wide

In Baizhu Township, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, the expressway winds through the mountains. The convenient local transportation conditions have accelerated the circulation of agricultural products in mountainous areas and promoted the development of advantageous industries and tourism along the expressway.

[Great Change] Agricultural and Rural Modernization Strides Forward

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has taken solving the "three rural" issues as the top priority of the whole party's work, and has organized and implemented the unprecedented poverty alleviation battle in human history that benefits the largest population.

[Great Change] Strive to build a model place for comprehensive rural revitalization in the new era

In this land, a series of major historic achievements have been made in poverty alleviation: on February 26, 2017, Jinggangshan City took the lead in announcing poverty alleviation in the country, opening the prelude to poverty alleviation in the whole province and poor counties across the country

[Great Change] Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas: 448 million mu of autumn grain has been harvested in China

In autumn October, the harvest is just in time. According to the latest agricultural situation scheduling by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 448 million mu of autumn grain has been harvested nationwide, with a progress of 34.3%.

[Great change] There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has adhered to the people centred development idea, improved the system and mechanism, and tightened the safety net to ensure basic livelihood.

[Great Change] Warm civil affairs paint the background of happiness

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), civil affairs departments at all levels have fully fulfilled their responsibilities of basic livelihood security, basic social services, and grass-roots social governance. Historic achievements have been made in the development of China's civil affairs, and the overall well-off society has become better and better.

[Great Change] Employment Becomes the Ballast for Improving People's Livelihood

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's employment work has made remarkable achievements. Through long-term unremitting efforts, the employment scale has been significantly expanded, the employment structure has been continuously optimized, and the employment quality has been steadily improved.

[Great Change] Put people's health on the priority of development strategy

The people's health level has improved significantly, the main health indicators are generally in the forefront of high-income countries, the construction of a healthy China has made a good start, and the basic medical and health system framework with Chinese characteristics has been basically established.

[Great Change] Protect the Blue Sky and Clear Water

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various departments around the country have made greater efforts and taken more solid measures to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and the phased objectives and tasks of the pollution prevention and control battle have been successfully completed.

[Great Change] Draw a picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature

Environment is people's livelihood, green mountains are beautiful, and blue sky is also happiness. Good ecological environment is the growth point of people's life, and also the support point of sustainable and healthy economic and social development.

[Great Change] Great strides have been made in building a beautiful China

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's forest coverage has increased by 2.68 percentage points, to 23.04%; The total carbon stock of forest vegetation increased by 1.375 billion tons to 9.2 billion tons.

[Great change] China's renewable energy has achieved leapfrog development

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, renewable energy represented by hydropower, wind power and photovoltaic power generation has achieved leapfrog development, and the effects of energy structure adjustment and carbon reduction have gradually emerged.

[Great Change] The most beautiful picture of harvest China

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China's comprehensive agricultural production capacity has steadily improved, and the people's livelihood in rural areas has significantly improved

[Great Change] Beautiful Butterfly Love from Remote Mountain Village to Smart Mountain Village

Shenshan Village in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi is located at the foot of Huangyangjie in Jinggangshan. The transportation of Shenshan Village before is inconvenient and the vehicles are difficult to drive. Now it has changed its appearance

[Great Change] Committed to the "Butterfly Change" of Mountain Villages; Lushen Mountain Village Draws a Happy Album

When we open the picture album, we can see that the Shenshan Village has undergone tremendous changes. The jungle, white walls and black tiles are beautiful. From the earliest photos to the present, in just five years, great and happy changes have taken place.

[Great change] Innovate the rural governance system and take the road of good rural governance

In the golden autumn season, we cross rivers, streams, green mountains, and enjoy watching the waves of rice and beans. In the vast fields, the hot practice of rural development shows the spirit of the cadres and the masses of all places to work hard.