Series Report (I)

Intelligent blessing, an explosion of innovative species

Jiang Feng, executive director of China Home Appliances Association, believes that the most important technical feature of AWE2024 is intelligence, which is manifested by the penetration of single product intelligence. "We can see that all products displayed by AWE, such as televisions, mobile phones, refrigerators, washing machines, and even small household appliances, are combined with AI intelligent technology, and the application of intelligent technology makes household appliances function better, experience better, and be more practical"; The second is scene intelligent integration, "from kitchen scene, living room scene, balcony scene, bedroom scene to the whole house intelligent, showing the application of AI technology and Internet of Things technology. After years of development, intelligent technology has moved from concept to practical application stage, and deeply integrated with products and scenes"

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Series Report (II)

The "beauty" of life is within reach

The more "simple" life, the more advanced. In today's fast-paced, high pressure social environment, people's lifestyle and values are undergoing significant changes, and more and more modern people are beginning to tend to "simple" life. Simplicity is not a simple reduction. From the perspective of home life, it is a high generalization of form and function. "At present, the aesthetic requirements of consumers on their families have changed significantly, and only when they fully match their life style and decoration style can they attract current young consumers". As Xu Chong, general manager of Taotian Group's home enjoyment life, said to the reporter of China Home Appliances Network, current users pay more attention to the integration of home appliances, They hope that through the integration of cultural or artistic elements

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Series Report (III)

Profound annotation on Chinese style sustainable development

In the process of growing into a global household appliance power, sustainable development has always been the route of the household appliance industry. After decades of development, the sustainable route has now become the consensus of the Chinese household appliance industry. At the AWE site, enterprises demonstrated many sustainable development achievements and strategic layout around sustainable development, Let's see the continuous leading advantages of China's home appliance industry in the field of sustainable development. At the same time, the deepening of sustainable development also promotes the upgrading of consumption structure, the acceleration of enterprise internationalization and the high-quality development of the industry. On the spot of AWE 2024, innovation achievements related to sustainable development can be said to be fruitful

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Series Report (IV)

Reshape the retail pattern and empower "new consumption"

Since its establishment, AWE has braved the wind and waves in the evolution of the industry, constantly integrated with the development of the times, and insisted on keeping pace with the times. Jiang Feng, executive director of China Household Appliances Association, introduced that in the stage of rapid development of e-commerce, AWE first strengthened cooperation with JD, making JD the first channel to participate in AWE. Subsequently, the live broadcast with goods emerged, and AWE took the opportunity to open a series of supporting activities "Live Night" during the exhibition period to quickly deliver the new products and scenario trends released in a centralized manner every year to consumers. On the first day of AWE this year, the "AWE Live Night" kicked off as scheduled. The AWE Organizing Committee, together with household appliance manufacturers, official platforms such as JD, Tiaoyin and Tmall, as well as mainstream media such as CCTV. com and CCTV Finance

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Series Report (V)

Inclusive, inclusive

AWE2024 ended successfully. We marvel at the innovative power of "fist to meat", experience the intelligent blueprint of future life, and see the integration spark of industrial collision. Behind this is the innovation and change of enterprises, which constantly break the inherent boundaries of household appliances. It is also the change of AWE, which constantly embraces the new business model, comprehensively extends the connotation of AWE, and achieves exchanges and integration. Seeking innovation and change has always been the way for household appliance enterprises to operate. One of the major change paths is cross-border, which can be understood as breaking the circle and expanding and diversified integration. Therefore, we have seen the ultimate example of cross field output of household appliance enterprises' manufacturing capacity

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